Overwatch 2 voted worst game on Steam platform

Overwatch 2 voted worst game on Steam platform
Activision – Blizzard, which has published its games on the Battle.net platform for a long time, has started to add its productions to the Steam platform again in the past months. Overwatch 2, one of the games added to Valve’s platform, managed to become the worst game of the platform in a short time.

Big reaction to Overwatch 2

Blizzard, which had great success with Overwatch, announced Overwatch 2 in the past years. Stating that it will add story missions to the production, the company also announced that the original Overwatch will be closed with the release of the new game. After a long wait, Overwatch 2 debuted last year, but the production fell victim to great criticism. Although the graphics upgrades made the players happy, the insufficient content of the game caused great criticism. On top of all this, Blizzard’s cancellation of the game’s story-driven PvE Hero Missions led players to rebellion.

These riots have led to the start of a massive smear campaign on Steam in the past weeks. Tens of thousands of players gave Overwatch 2 bad reviews on Steam, making it the worst game on the platform. According to reviews, only 9% of Overwatch 2 reviews are positive and all remaining reviews are negative. Steam does not show the worst games through its own application, but the worst productions of the platform can be viewed on the “Hall of Shame” site. Accordingly, Overwatch 2 is the most poorly reviewed game of the platform. After Overwatch 2, War of the Three Kingdoms and Flatout 3 seem to be the worst games on the platform.

The number of users of the game is still high

Despite all this, Overwatch 2 appears to be the 23rd most played game on Steam. In addition, the majority of negative reviews were shared by users who almost never played the game. Let’s see how Blizzard will respond to this smear campaign.