Oscar-Winning Actor Wants to Buy His First NFT

Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins has said he wants to buy his first NFT.
 Oscar-Winning Actor Wants to Buy His First NFT
READING NOW Oscar-Winning Actor Wants to Buy His First NFT

Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins said he wants to buy his first NFT.

The Oscar-winning actor sought help from his 925,900 followers on Twitter to determine which NFT he should get.


While some followers of the actor recommend various NFT projects, some followers also support Hopkins’ interest in NFT. reacted to his interest. Some people even suggested that Hopkins’ account may have been hacked.

Hopkins’ followers were not surprised by the famous actor’s NFT interest.

Last September, Hopkins’ starring thriller “Zero Contact” premiered on NFT platform Vuele. The film has the distinction of being the first feature film to be released in this way.

The all-virtually produced NFT thriller was criticized by FilmWeek’s Wade Majr as “the worst Zoom meeting ever”.

Zero Contact currently has a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Anthony Hopkins is particularly famous for Hannibal Lecter in “The Silence of the Lambs”. The actor won the best actor Oscar for this role.

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