OpenAI CEO Testifies in Senate

OpenAI CEO testified in the US Senate about the safety of artificial intelligence.
 OpenAI CEO Testifies in Senate
READING NOW OpenAI CEO Testifies in Senate

OpenAI CEO testified in the US Senate about the safety of artificial intelligence.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testified at the hearing, which was described as historic. The CEO of the company responded to the allegations about artificial intelligence security.

Sam Altman Answers US Senate Questions

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman appeared with NYU professor Gary Marcus and IBM trust chief Christina Montgomery to discuss how the US government should regulate the AI ​​industry.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and co-founder of Worldcoin, recently testified before Congress along with Christina Montgomery, IBM’s chief of trust, and NYU professor Gary Marcus.

The Senate judicial subcommittee session represented Altman’s first official appearance before Congress and gave senators the opportunity to question the CEO of OpenAI about his company’s views on regulation.

Dubbed a “historic” session by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, it focused on understanding the potential threats posed by prolific AI models like ChatGPT and how lawmakers should approach regulation.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who testified at the hearing on how the regulators should proceed, shared his ideas on the subject.

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