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One of the Largest Black Hole Jets in the Universe Discovered

Astronomers at the University of Western Sydney have discovered one of the largest jets of black holes in the sky. Discovered in the elliptical galaxy NGC 2663, this jet was one of the largest and brightest jets ever seen.
 One of the Largest Black Hole Jets in the Universe Discovered
READING NOW One of the Largest Black Hole Jets in the Universe Discovered

Black holes, which we observe in the universe but know very little about, expand the scope of this mystery with some of their properties. Among these features are the ‘jets’, which are seen only in some black holes and are given to the state of scattering particles into space at the speed of light. Today, news of a new discovery about black hole jets came from the scientific world.

Scientists examined the galaxy named NGC2663 93 million light years away and discovered the largest black hole jet ever observed. The jet of particles spewed out by the black hole was 50 times larger than the galaxy itself. The jet extended as far as 1 million light-years from the black hole.

Biggest jet ever:

The red areas represent the areas where the jet was seen most intensely. These areas are called ‘shock diamonds’ because of their shape.

The discovery was made thanks to the observation made with the Australian Square Kilometer Array Explorer (ASKAP), which has 36 telescopes, each with a diameter of 12 meters. When scientists focused on NGC2663 with telescopes, they encountered this huge jet. The jet is so big that if we could see it with our eyes, scientists explain, it would take up more space in the sky than the Moon.

Aiming to make many more discoveries after this remarkable radio jet discovery, the team continues to work to better examine how black holes affect the galaxies that form around them.

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