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Omicron Variant Couldn’t Change Bill Gates’ Opinion About Coronavirus

Bill Gates explained that despite the concerns caused by the Omicron variant, his views on the coronavirus have not changed. According to Gates, 2022 will be the year we will start recovering from COVID-19 after all!
 Omicron Variant Couldn’t Change Bill Gates’ Opinion About Coronavirus
READING NOW Omicron Variant Couldn’t Change Bill Gates’ Opinion About Coronavirus

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and known for the importance he attaches to charity, said in his previous statements that he predicts the effects of COVID-19 will end in 2022, in other words, important steps can be taken towards normalization next year. The Omicron variant, which shook the world, apparently wasn’t enough for Bill Gates to change the forecast.

Although his opinion on 2022 has not changed, Gates also admits that he expects more development and normalization in 2021. On his blog, Bill Gates shares his view that the Delta variant and hesitations about vaccination have hindered his anticipated progress, saying: “I underestimated how difficult it would be to persuade people to get vaccinated and continue wearing masks.”

Gates attributes his optimism about 2022 to the idea that the world is ready to deal with all the volatility of the pandemic: “We are in a much better position to create up-to-date vaccines if needed.”

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