Oculus, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp’s parent company Meta, has accelerated its work for the VR fitness adventure. Starting next April, the company will let you see your VR fitness stats on the Oculus Move via iOS and Android mobile apps, instead of an app on the Quest and Quest 2 virtual reality headsets. Here are the details…
Oculus Move VR data can be viewed on iOS
As stated, all data in the virtual reality world, such as calories burned, minutes spent and VR fitness goals, will be available from the iOS app as of April. But at this point, Apple puts its hand under the responsibility.
Because iOS users will be able to train fully integrated with the Apple Health application. It will even indirectly provide access to data on Android through this common application and directly through its own application.
Of course, in order to integrate the recorded data in virtual reality with Apple Health or the Oculus app, you will first need to purchase a subscription and then open the sync settings. In addition, Meta says that the advertising system that users see in some of its other services will not be used here.
Additionally, Meta states that all information of people who sync their Move data with the Oculus mobile app will be stored on their own servers via end-to-end encryption technology. Of course, this will first need users’ approval. It will share the relevant update on April 11.
On the other hand, it is known that Apple is working on augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) glasses. There are even those who claim that they will surprise you by introducing them in 2022. But the vast majority say that Apple will not take a step in this direction without adequate application and optimization support. However, we know that joint work has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it will not be surprising if it is introduced with the iPhone 14 family.
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