Number of Trademark Applications Increased in 2022

More than 3,000 trademark applications were filed in 2022 as the crypto world grapples with the bear market.
 Number of Trademark Applications Increased in 2022
READING NOW Number of Trademark Applications Increased in 2022

More than 3,000 trademark applications were filed in 2022 as the crypto world grapples with the bear market.

With this number, the crypto money industry has even surpassed 2021.

Record Number of Trademarks Broken in 2022

The crypto money market continues to see very serious decreases. The industry is growing, although all assets are approximately 70 percent lower than their peak periods. Despite the bear market, many famous brands have filed for trademarks focused on the NFT, Metaverse and Web3 domain.

In 2022, about 4,000 trademark applications were filed in total, affiliated with Metaverse and crypto businesses. Michael Kondoudis, a trademark and patent attorney, wrote in his latest tweet that crypto-related trademark applications have increased over the past few months.

Number of trademark applications filed in 2022

Between January and August, 3600 trademark applications were filed, an increase of 2.3 percent over the 3516 applications in 2021. Brands’ interest in NFT and Metaverse has not changed despite the declines in the crypto market. The closest example to this is the fact that important brands in the field such as Columbia Records and Hermes have made trademark applications.

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