North Korea traces in Harmony attack, bounty hunt begins

It is estimated that the attackers who stole $ 100 million by attacking the Harmony network were the North Korean Lazarus team. The team has hit $2 billion to date.
 North Korea traces in Harmony attack, bounty hunt begins
READING NOW North Korea traces in Harmony attack, bounty hunt begins

Last week, the Horizon bridge platform on the Harmony network was attacked, resulting in $100 million in damage. The North Korean Lazarus team that attacked the Axie Infinity is behind it again.

Big damage in Harmony attack

Using a vulnerability on the Ethereum side of the Horizon bridge, the attackers stole 85837 ETH, or $100 million in return for that period. Harmony offered a $1 million reward for returning what they stole, but nothing happened.

Cyber ​​attack on crypto money world again

Added 6 days ago

Research shows that the North Korean Lazarus team is behind the work. This team laundered the 600 million dollars they stole in the Axie Infinity attack on the Tornado Cash platform and lost it. So it’s not a group that has any intention of giving back. Already 36000 units of ETH have already been laundered. The group is estimated to have made $2 billion in attacks to date.

The Harmony team still wants to give it a second chance and is offering a $10 million reward if it returns the assets. On the other hand, those who provide information about the attackers will be rewarded up to 10 million dollars. That is, there has been no concrete development yet.

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