Nikola Tesla’s work ahead of time confiscated by the FBI

We talked about the work of Nikola Tesla, one of the valuable names of the scientific world, beyond the time confiscated by the FBI. . .
 Nikola Tesla’s work ahead of time confiscated by the FBI
READING NOW Nikola Tesla’s work ahead of time confiscated by the FBI

Nikola Tesla was an inventor whose value is perhaps unknown to the scientific world, but who attracted attention for his ideas beyond time that would bring technology to an era. So much so that if the works he imagined were realized today, the technologies we see in science fiction movies would be like child’s play. Of course, some people did not like this situation.

Dedicating his life to facilitating human life, Tesla was always stopped and could never reach the place he aimed because he could not get the support he wanted. He died in misery in a hotel room in New York on a cold January evening in 1943. Here is the event that caused question marks in everyone’s minds. The FBI rushed to the hotel room where Tesla died and seized all his work. So what happened in the hotel room that day? We explained in our article…

What important work of Nikola Tesla did the FBI confiscate?

After many years of allegations and conspiracy theories, hundreds of pages of documents on Nikola Tesla and his work were published under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016. However, among the documents, naturally, the project called “Death Ray” that many expected was not found. We tried to explain the project, which is claimed to be the main reason for the FBI’s seizure of Tesla’s work, down to the smallest details.

Death Ray

The documents published by the FBI did not include Tesla’s superweapon project, called the “Death Ray”, which followed the states around the world. At this point, various allegations emerged that the FBI did not share some studies. However, these claims have been repeatedly denied by the institution.

Nikola Tesla made some statements to The New York Times on his 78th birthday. Years ago, the inventor announced that he had a project that could lead warring armies to pursue him. However, at that time, the explanations he made by showing the inventor’s aging were not taken very seriously.

Former US President Donald Trump’s uncle, John G. Trump, stated that he was aware of the studies in question three weeks after the death of the inventor, but none of them had the potential to be put into practice. Here we leave the interpretation entirely to you.

Allegedly, the invention had the potential to destroy thousands of military vehicles, such as airplanes and tanks, within 400 km with a single shot. On the other hand, it is among the rumors that Tesla offered the weapon to many states, especially the USA, and that the only country that showed interest among them was the Soviet Union.

The interesting thing is the allegations that Tesla tested this weapon once. According to eyewitnesses, Nikola Tesla used the Death Ray on June 30, 1908 near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in central Siberia, causing a massive celestial explosion, equivalent to the explosion of a 10-15 megaton mass of dynamite.

In this direction, about 20 years after Tesla died, when the Soviet Union announced that a fantastic weapon was developed that had never been seen before, this situation started to be questioned again in the USA due to the Cold War. In fact, after some parts of the statement made about the project largely matched with the alleged leaked parts of Tesla’s Death Ray project, a large portion of them really began to believe that Tesla had found something in time.

At this point, all eyes turned to Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanovic, who was the Yugoslav Ambassador to the US. Kosanovic, who was declared the legitimate heir to his uncle’s estate by a US court in 1952, gained access to the confiscated documents. An event that created a question mark in the minds also took place here. According to the information in the FBI official records, a total of 80 crates of materials, including Tesla’s work in the hotel room, were delivered to the nephew.

Sava Kosanovic later sent them to Belgrade, Serbia, to be exhibited at the Nikola Tesla Museum. However, it was quite remarkable that only 60 ballot boxes went to Belgrade. In fact, according to documents made public in 2016, the FBI even considered arresting Sava Kosanovic, fearing that he would present important technologies that could threaten national security at the time to hostile states.

After the sudden disappearance of 20 crates, rumors arose that the nephew had taken over the project by coming to his hotel room before the FBI. On the contrary, some claimed that in the 1980s, the Strategic Defense Initiative, known as Star Wars, was based on the Death Ray project, a military bill designed by then-President Ronald Reagan in the United States.

We may never know what happened to Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray project. However, the claims that an inventor, known for his inventions and projects aimed at facilitating human life, is trying to market a project that could pose a serious threat to other countries if it falls into the hands of others seems quite unreasonable.

In addition, the inconclusive work of the USA and the Soviet Union is the biggest indicator that the project in question has big gaps that can only be filled by Tesla (even if it is in their hands).

We tried to convey to you one of Tesla’s most curious works in detail, accompanied by allegations. So what do you think about this subject? Which claim makes more sense to you? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section.

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