The inventor of alternating current, the genius Nikola Tesla, is a person who has signed many other inventions, although he is best known for this invention. He even has unregistered, mysterious projects that are still in the theory stage, which people now call ‘States use’.
However, didn’t a person who made a name for himself with his inventions have any mistakes? Of course it did, we are all human; Even if you are, you make mistakes. As they say: Edison found 100 ways not to invent the light bulb.
But Nikola Tesla’s mistakes, which we will talk about shortly, are not at the level of a normal person. But a genius can make such mistakes.
Tesla was opposed to Einstein. He even hated the ‘Concept of Relativity’, so to speak.
Tesla’s own words about the Concept of Relativity are as follows: “Relativity is like a beggar in purple, what people think is a king. I argue that space cannot be bent for the simple reason that there is no tangible matter.”
This view is the first but not the last. You will realize further in the following parts of our article that he did not like Einstein at all.
The genius inventor believed that his brain could process faster than the speed of light.

Perhaps this is Tesla’s most absurd thought. He believed that his brain was capable of processing faster than the speed of light, presenting great inventions to humanity.
In fact, the reason behind this thought is also the reason why he rejected the Concept of Relativity. Tesla thought he was measuring the cosmic ray from Antares, the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius, which he thought was moving 50 times faster than the speed limit of the universe.
However, this cosmic ray was faster than the speed of light. Because he thought he could measure it, Tesla thought his brain was faster than the speed of light. (Speed of light = ~300,000 kilometers per second)
He denied the existence of electrons: Can we say ‘electronist’?
In fact, it’s pretty funny that a scientist, whose discoveries and inventions are almost entirely electrical, doesn’t believe in electrons. However, we are talking about the 19th and 20th centuries, it is necessary to be understanding.
If you don’t know, let’s give you the information: Electricity is the name given to the flow of electrons with a conductor. However, as we said, Tesla did not believe in electrons. He thought that the smallest matter in the universe was atoms. Though, most of the rest of the world thought so at the time.
According to Tesla, even if electrons existed, they could only exist in perfect gravity. He was defending the theory that “’ether conducts electric current”, a theory prevalent in the 19th century. Let’s take a brief look at this theory.
According to this theory, Ether is the very medium that propagates light and other longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic waves throughout the universe. In other words, it is the fabric of our universe consisting of tiny granules that transmits energy in waves. It takes its name from the “Aether”, the “image of the bright heavens” in Greek mythology.
Nikola Tesla thought the atom could not be divided
Because he believed that electrons did not exist, Tesla predictably did not believe that the atom could be split. Because until it was made, people argued that the atom was the smallest foundation stone and could not be divided. Here’s exactly what Tesla said about the atom:
“The idea of atomic energy is an illusion, but it has taken hold of minds so powerfully that even after 25 years of opposing the idea, there are still people who believe it’s real. .
I have operated it with pressures ranging from 4,000,000 to 18,000,000 volts. More recently I have designed a 50,000,000 volt apparatus that will produce many results of great scientific importance.
“But as for atomic energy, my experimental observations have shown to the fission process that such a release of energy is not possible, as might be expected from current theories.”

Later in London, in 1932, two scientists named John Cockroft and Ernest Walton succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time in the world. After that, we all know what Einstein did with the energy that Tesla said ‘cannot be released’…
Last and strangest: Tesla was in love with a pigeon
Tesla’s weirdest feature we saved for last (yes, not actually his vision) was that he fell in love with a pigeon. In the last period of his life, Tesla had many events that we can call strange, this is one of them. He explains his love for the pigeon as follows:
“I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and he loved me. As long as I had him, my life had a purpose.”
It must be a love that we do not want to go into too much detail. Finally, we must say that Nikola Tesla’s false views and ideas that we are talking about here, of course, do not change the fact that he is one of the greatest geniuses of the 19th and 20th centuries.