New studies begin to find life on Mars!

NASA states that to find the remains of life on Mars, it is necessary to look far below the surface of the planet.
 New studies begin to find life on Mars!
READING NOW New studies begin to find life on Mars!

The search for signs of life on Mars has yet to come to a conclusion. NASA has been searching for a long time on the surface of Mars with its Curiosity and Perseverance instruments. These tools, too, have yet to come across any tangible findings. However, NASA believes that simply looking at the surface for life remains is insufficient.

NASA will dig deeper to find life on Mars

NASA states that it is necessary to look below the surface to find the remains of life on Mars. Scientists are searching for amino acids on Mars. However, studies on Mars have not yet encountered amino acids that we can consider the basic composition of life.

NASA believes the amino acids may have been destroyed on the surface as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation. Currently, vehicles on Mars descend only 5 cm below the surface. NASA states that amino acids at this level will degrade within 20 million years. So instead of doing surface-level tests, we may need to dig deeper for signs of life on Mars.

NASA states that in order to find amino acids on Mars, it is necessary to go down at least 2 meters from the surface. Perseverance and Curiosity were not designed to dig that deep. For this reason, NASA needs different tools for deeper excavations.

However, research will continue until we send new instruments to Mars. In line with this goal, NASA continues to collect samples in areas that may be less exposed to radiation. On the one hand, NASA has prepared an apparatus to measure the effect of Martian conditions on amino acids.

For this purpose, amino acid samples were placed in an environment that mimics Martian soil. At the same time, the atmosphere and weather conditions on Mars were simulated. Gamma radiation was used to simulate cosmic rays striking the planet Mars for about 80 million years. As a result, it was observed that amino acids could be destroyed in this environment.

With all these results, it seems very difficult for current instruments to find the remains of life on Mars. However, as a result of the researches, NASA may develop different tools to search for amino acids. Do you think there is life on Mars? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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