New Patent From Apple For Apple Car That Has Turned To Arabic Hair: It Wants To Add Information Display And Light To The Belt

New Patent From Apple For Apple Car That Has Turned To Arabic Hair: It Wants To Add Information Display And Light To The Belt

It was rumored that Apple has been working on a self-driving vehicle project for many years. It was even claimed that the project, which is now called Apple Car, was canceled last year. However, recently it was suggested that the company continued to develop the vehicle and postponed its introduction to 2026.

While there is no official statement and verification about the project, a patent application by the technology giant has emerged today. The patent showed that Apple wanted to bring important innovations to seat belts, which are of great importance for safety in vehicles.

Apple wants to put a light and information display that will turn off when you put it on your seat belt

According to the newly obtained patent, Apple aims to bring lighting to the seat belt buckle; it’s even considering adding a screen to show information. This isn’t actually the company’s first patent on seat belts. In 2019, Apple received a patent showing that media controls and speakers could be added to the belts.

Today’s show showed that the company was planning different things. If the patent becomes a reality, it will also feature a big red button like on traditional belts; however, the light of this button will turn off when you fasten the belt. So if the Apple Car really comes out, you will see the red light on the belt when you get in the car. When you plug it in, this light will turn off. From the drawings, it can also be seen that Apple wants to add an information screen that says “Push” on the belt buckle.

We can guess that this way the company wanted the belt to be easier to find or to understand who should wear which buckle, especially when in the car at night. Of course, as with most patent applications, there is a possibility that this will not materialize. Let’s add that we have seen a similar move from Skoda before. The auto giant introduced its illuminated belts that inform drivers a few years ago.