New Partnership From This DeFi Altcoin: The Price Has Gone Green!

Canadian sports organization SailGP team announced that it will be partnering with DeFi altcoin project Algorand Foundation. Here are the details of the partnership...
 New Partnership From This DeFi Altcoin: The Price Has Gone Green!
READING NOW New Partnership From This DeFi Altcoin: The Price Has Gone Green!

Canadian sports organization SailGP team announced a partnership with the Algorand Foundation. The company of the DeFi altcoin project will leverage Blockchain to achieve its goals with this partnership.

SailGP signs partnership agreement with DeFi altcoin

Canadian SailGP Team, a leading sports organization, strategically partnered with Blockchain project Algorand Foundation, a movement designed to promote a greener future through sports activities. announced a partnership. According to a recent press release, the DeFi altcoin company and the SailGP team have formed a three-year partnership as they share a similar vision of promoting a sustainable future using the emerging technology, Blockchain.

The partnership with cryptocurrency marks the first Blockchain collaboration in professional sailing. Fred Pye, founder of Canada’s SailGP Team, stated that the combination of sports and technology in the partnership between DeFi altcoin company and SailGP is uniquely positioned to develop a platform to support the growth of cryptocurrencies. Pye also states:

Canadian SailGP Team is leading the development in this area and I am confident that we will be the first team in the league to showcase the possibilities of Blockchain in perhaps all professional sailing.

Algorand continues to grow

A lifelong sailor and digital technology entrepreneur, Pye noted that he has chosen the Algorand Foundation to help the organization achieve its goal in the near future. Reacting to the development, Algorand Foundation CEO Staci Warden explained her excitement about entering into a partnership with the Canadian SailGP Team, adding that she is confident the blockchain company’s technology will help SailGP achieve its goals. Warden states:

We look forward to collaborating with the team on a series of initiatives that will showcase the unique blend of performance, security and sustainability that defines Algorand as a unique Blockchain.

Canada’s SailGP Team focuses on inspiring the next generation of Canadian sailors and creating new opportunities for young people to enter the sport to enable them to become outstanding athletes. On the other hand, as, we have stated before, Algorand aims to allow everyone to benefit from the potential of Blockchain technology by leveraging the power of the Algorand protocol. The blockchain project has seen significant growth since its launch, including more than 11 million transactions recorded on the network in seven days.

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