Messaging application Telegram has released new updates. New updates concern Free users and Premium users. With this update, many new features will come to Telegram. Details are in our news.

New updates coming to Telegram
With the new updates coming to Telegram, it allows you to find similar channels you follow and add video messages to stories. Additionally, many new features have been added for channels, such as story statistics and voice-to-text conversion.
It’s now easier to find similar channels
To make it easier to discover Telegram New Channels, when you join a new channel, you will now be able to see a list of similar channels on the same topic and join the channel. These recommended channels are automatically suggested based on channel similarities, making it easier to meet people with similar interests to chat. You can also access Similar Channels from that channel’s profile.

Editing Video Messages in Stories
When publishing a new story, you can now add a video message. In addition to being able to resize your video messages and move them around the screen, you can also move them along the timeline to start and end at any frame.

To record a video message, simply press and hold the camera icon in the story edit section, and to control the Volume**, you must press and hold the video section at the bottom of the screen.
View Story Insights for Channels
Channels publishing stories can now see statistics for story views, shares, and reactions, with detailed charts to track their reach and performance.

Note: Story statistics can be viewed by tapping ⋮/⋯ while viewing your story or in Channel Info > ⋮/⋯ > Statistics.
Voice to Text Conversion Feature
Since 2022, Premium users have been using features such as translating audio and video messages into text and even translating voices in different languages. With the new update, free users can convert 2 messages per week into text.
Note: This feature will be rolled out gradually and may not be available immediately.

Note: Telegram allows unlimited voice-to-text conversion for Premium users.
Improvements for Topics
In groups that have been activated from the Topics section, when you open the group again, you will be able to choose to view your app as Messages or View as Topics.

These updates are available for all iOS users and Android users.