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New Developments from the Tax Reform Package Shared

The prominent details of the Tax Reform Package, which has been working on for a while in our country, have been announced. It is noteworthy that in the regulation, which is expected to be enacted next week, a 15 percent tax will be imposed on everyone who earns money from social media.
 New Developments from the Tax Reform Package Shared
READING NOW New Developments from the Tax Reform Package Shared

Today, there are a large number of social media ‘influencers’ both in our country and around the world. These people, who earn additional income or spend their livelihood in this way, became taxpayers after the platform was taken into account in our country.

Now, with the latest regulation, it is on the agenda to impose a 15 percent tax on these people. This tax, which comes with the Tax Reform Package, which the Ministry of Treasury and Finance has been working on for a while, concerns not only YouTubers, but everyone who makes money in the virtual environment. The details of the regulation, which will be sent to the Turkish Grand National Assembly soon, are as follows:

The Digital Tax Office, which provides 24/7 service, is coming:

The functioning of the regulations in the Tax Reform Package will be supervised through the Digital Tax Office. In other words, we can say that this digital institution lies at the heart of the system. With this system, taxpayer groups to be included in the digital domain, that is, electronic book and electronic document applications, will be gradually increased.

The Digital Tax Office, which will serve 24/7, will also have a Digital Tax Assistant system. The Digital Tax Inspection System will be developed and the duration of the transactions will be shortened. In the same way, audit and inspection processes will be carried out in the digital environment.

The Ministry of Finance will be able to purchase services for the software of the Digital Tax Office. Employees of the companies that make the said software on behalf of the Ministry will bear the same responsibility as civil servants. For this reason, disclosing the confidential information of taxpayers or taxpayers will be considered a tax crime for the employees of this company.

How will social media revenues be taxed?

  • At this point, 15 percent tax will be deducted from everyone who earns money in the virtual environment, especially YouTubers.
  • If these people became taxpayers due to advertisements published in the previous regulation, they will be taxed separately.
  • There will be no obligation to keep a book.
  • Those who teach on social media platforms and those who make cooking shows, who reach a certain number of viewers, will be watched.
  • The tax of this payment will be deducted from those paid by Google or YouTube.

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