Netflix Prepares to Documentary Couple Laundering Stolen Bitcoins (BTC) From Bitfinex

Netflix will make a documentary about the couple accused of laundering $4.5 billion in Bitcoin stolen from Bitfinex
 Netflix Prepares to Documentary Couple Laundering Stolen Bitcoins (BTC) From Bitfinex
READING NOW Netflix Prepares to Documentary Couple Laundering Stolen Bitcoins (BTC) From Bitfinex

Netflix will make a documentary about the couple accused of laundering $4.5 billion in Bitcoin stolen from Bitfinex.

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Streaming platform said in a statement that it will make a documentary series about the story of the New York couple accused of laundering $4.5 billion Bitcoin stolen in 2016.

Netflix’s announcement came just after the couple were caught in their apartment three days ago.

The Ministry of Justice announced that it seized $3.6 billion worth of Bitcoin.

The biggest factor in Netflix making such a decision seems to be that they have a colorful portrait of the couple on social media. Because Heather Morgan, who defines herself as the “Wall Street Crocodile”, is on the agenda with her extremely interesting posts on social media.

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