Netflix Opens ‘Short-Ass’ Category for Short Films

After a sketch aired on Saturday Night Live the other day, Netflix took the sketch's suggestion seriously and created a new category on its platform. The name of the category was determined as "Short-Ass Movies" to contain slang just like in the skit.
 Netflix Opens ‘Short-Ass’ Category for Short Films
READING NOW Netflix Opens ‘Short-Ass’ Category for Short Films

The other day, Netflix came across an idea on Saturday Night Live, which has been one of the most popular shows in the US for many years. Comedian Pete Davidson, who appeared in the program, was demanding that a category with short films be added to Netflix in the skit he prepared in the form of a music clip.

After this sharing of Saturday Night Live, an unexpected response came from Netflix the other day. Netflix’s comedy-oriented extension Netflix Is A Joke, which shared on its official Twitter account, said “good idea” by quoting SNL’s video. In the same post, a surprising and unexpected link was included.

Saturday Night Live sketch

Netflix did indeed create that category that it’s supposed to be in on SNL. The name of the category in question, which stated that short films should be listed, was taken from the name highlighted in the skit. The name of the category was ‘Short-Ass Movies’. The movies listed on the page you can access from this link have also been a great solution for Netflix users who do not want to watch movies for a long time.

The movies listed on the page don’t actually differ much from Netflix’s “Movies Less Than 90 Minutes” category. The movies on both pages are shown in almost exactly the same order and categories. Therefore, we can say that Netflix’s new slang page entered our lives as a new easter egg of the platform.

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