Netflix is ​​in shock! Employees prepare to strike

Some Netflix employees are preparing for a major strike. As a justification, it is claimed that the company does not protect the values ​​it adheres to.
 Netflix is ​​in shock! Employees prepare to strike
READING NOW Netflix is ​​in shock! Employees prepare to strike

Dave Chappelle has been released on Netflix after a long hiatus, with his stand up comedy show called The Closer. Protests started on social media for the removal of many people because the program contained provocative comments about the LGBTQ+ community and Chappelle’s words such as trans-exclusionary and radical feminist. Then, the employees of the company started to prepare for a strike.

The reason behind the involvement of company employees was none other than the company’s CEO, Ted Sarandos. Sarandos made a series of comments defending Chappelle’s latest comedy show, The Closer. Seeing this, Netflix’s trans employees said, “The company management has shown that they do not protect the values ​​we are committed to.”

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The latest show of the platform, which is closely related to the LGBT community, has made a gap between its employees and Netflix. While an internal investigation was opened against 3 people who criticized the production on social media, the CEO of the company, Ted Sarandos, defended Dave Chapelle. Stating that the show did not exceed the limit, Sarandos said:

Some people have asked where we draw the line on hate. We do not allow content designed to incite hatred or violence on Netflix, and we do not believe The Closer has crossed that line.

The company also answered questions about the investigations opened against the employees. He said that the chief software developer of the company, Terra Field and 2 other people, did not undergo an investigation because of the posts they made on social media, and that this happened due to some events in the workplace. At the same time, he stated that they supported the criticisms voiced by sensitive people.

The leader of Netflix’s trans group told The Verge after the company’s CEO, Sarandos, defended Chappelle.

Trans lives and rights matter. By repeatedly posting content that harms the trans community on Netflix, it has damaged the ideology we serve. Moreover, the platform has failed to contribute to our mission to entertain the world, by consistently failing to create content that represents and promotes transgender people. We can and should do better

Terra Field is back on duty

Field tweeted on Tuesday evening, “The company determined that there was no ill intent in my attending the QBR meeting and reassigned me to my old position. After this process, I will take a few days off. ” said. Before returning to his post, Field tweeted again about the harmful effects of what Chappelle had done. He said that the jokes made can be interpreted as directly harmful to the transgender community, so care should be taken.

https://twitter. com/RainofTerra/status/1445914236668895236

Sarandos made a series of statements that angered the protesters after the developments, and then appealed to Netflix employees to be prudent.

Chapelle is one of the most popular comedians of our time and we have a long-standing contract with him. Another controversial production of his, Sticks & Stones, was our most watched and awarded stand-up production to date. At Netflix, we work hard to support the freedom of creative and productive ideas, even if some believe it is harmful content.

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