NASA will use the Sun to find aliens!

NASA has revealed that it is possible to see much farther with a natural telescope formed by the gravity of the Sun.
 NASA will use the Sun to find aliens!
READING NOW NASA will use the Sun to find aliens!

Is it possible to see much farther with a natural telescope formed by the gravity of the Sun? Can we see alien life with the help of this telescope? While this system, known as gravitational lensing of the Sun (SGL), may sound pretty crazy, scientists argue it’s “possible with existing or actively developing technologies,” according to a new study.

The natural telescope formed by the sun’s gravity can show us the depths of space

NASA funded a study into the feasibility of this mission in 2020 as part of its Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. As a result of the researches, it was revealed that the surface features of exoplanets can only be seen at scales of tens of kilometers and a more detailed look at possible life outside the Earth can be taken with SGL.

Researchers led by Henry Helvajian, senior scientist in the Physical Sciences Laboratories at The Aerospace Corporation, shared the first results of the NIAC study. The team reveals that if the mission overcomes a few technical challenges, it could answer one of humanity’s most fundamental questions: Are we alone in the universe?

This encouraging thought is powered by a mind-blowing phenomenon called gravitational lensing, which occurs when large objects, including the Sun, warp the space-time surrounding them.

From the right perspective, this system magnifies everything behind it. This will allow scientists to view objects that have hitherto been out of sight, such as distant galaxies or “rogue” planets floating in starless space. The studies carried out by NASA will thus be able to control the presence of aliens in galaxies far away.

Landscapes produced by gravitational lensing were showcased in the first public images recently taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. The team working on this issue states that this concept can be realized with more reliable observation tools, long-term navigation and communication systems.

Of course, it is worth remembering that even such a study will take at least 25-30 years. Frankly, we wonder what awaits us in the depths of space. So what do you think about the gravitational lensing phenomenon of the Sun? Do you think NASA can find aliens with this phenomenon? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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