NASA DART Mission Successfully Completed

In a statement made today, NASA scientists announced that the DART mission, which took place in the past weeks, has been successfully completed and the planet is ready for any danger that may come from outside.
 NASA DART Mission Successfully Completed
READING NOW NASA DART Mission Successfully Completed

The DART system, announced by NASA in 2017, was designed to protect our planet against external threats such as asteroids and to prevent us from ending up like dinosaurs.

After some minor disruptions and delays, the first test of the DART mission was made on a Dimorphos asteroid that poses no threat to our planet in recent weeks. In the statement made today, information about the results of the test was shared.

Asteroid successfully changed direction

In the statement, they announced that the orbit of Dimorphos was successfully changed. In addition to the destruction of the asteroid, critical information was also shared about the duration and shape of the mission. The orbit of his “brother” Didymos, located right next to it, was used to destroy this small asteroid. The DART vehicle, which is only the size of a refrigerator, reached a speed of 26,000 kilometers per hour using the orbit of Didymos and managed to change its orbit by hitting the small asteroid.

NASA scientists announced that the DART mission, which was determined as 11 hours 55 minutes, was completed in 11 hours and 23 minutes. In the simulation tests conducted by the engineers, the DART vehicle was expected to shorten the mission time by 10 minutes, but the mission time was shortened by a full 32 minutes.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson made a statement on the subject, “This mission proves that NASA is prepared for any danger from the universe.” He congratulated the success of the project and NASA scientists.

It was also announced that the DART mission could be repeated on a larger asteroid if a similar opportunity arises in the near future.

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