A while ago, Elon Musk said that the messaging experience will increase. Twitter gains encrypted direct message support. However, it was stated that the encryption feature was insufficient at the first stage. This feature faces several limitations as there is no user-to-user encryption.
Twitter gets support for encrypted direct messaging
One of the biggest drawbacks to Twitter’s encrypted messaging comes from its limited use. For example, for messages to be encrypted, both the sender and the receiver must be Twitter Blue subscribers.
In addition, the encryption feature will be made available on demand. So even if you are a Blue subscriber, you will have to manually activate the encryption. Twitter will not encrypt messages by default. Even Elon Musk acknowledged these limitations and used the phrase “Try but don’t trust yet” in his statement.
Twitter’s encrypted messaging also has a few technical limitations. Encrypted messages can only be sent to a single person and will not be valid for groups. Also, media and other files will not be encrypted. This shows that the type of content that can be shared securely from the platform is limited.
It should be noted that the encrypted messaging feature is also in danger of certain security vulnerabilities. For example, it will not be possible to join existing encrypted conversations with a new device. So you won’t be able to run encrypted messaging on a new device. In addition, users will not be able to report encrypted messages to Twitter.
Elon Musk admitted that encrypted messages are just at the beginning. Although it says that it will improve the feature for a more advanced security experiment, it is not possible to say that sufficient protection is offered in the current version.