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Most Commonly Spoken Name of Recent Times: Vladimir Putin

We share with you the life story of Vladimir Putin, the undisputed leader of the Russian-type controlled democracy, as the world and his country say, Iron Fist.
 Most Commonly Spoken Name of Recent Times: Vladimir Putin
READING NOW Most Commonly Spoken Name of Recent Times: Vladimir Putin

When he was a child, he had the opportunity to learn from his kitchen because his grandfather was a cook for the Soviet leaders, he was a taxi driver when he was in financial trouble, and the name he often spoke to today because the whole world occupied Ukraine; Vladimir Putin.

Today, we will discuss with you Putin’s life story from his childhood, youth and from being a KGB agent to his presidency. If you are ready; Tie up your uhankas, here we go.

Putin is where he wants to be; Born in the Soviet Union

Right from head; Putin’s grandparents, parents

Full name Vladimir Vladimirovich (Viladimirovich) Putin; The present-day St. He was born on October 7, 1952 in the city of Leningrad, known as St. Petersburg (Sankt Petersburg), as the third and youngest child of Vladimir Spiridonovic Putin & Maria Ivanovna Shelomova couple.

When Putin was born, the Soviet Union had not yet disintegrated (USSR dissolved in 1991). Putin’s grandfather was a cook for the founders of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin, and was a person devoted to the regime.

He started his life by losing, learned to lose when he was still a child

Vladimir Putin 6 years old, with his mother

While Putin lost his younger brother to diphtheria; He lost his elder brother at the front and grew up as the only child of the family. While his mother was working in a factory that made military production for the regime; his father was a naval Soviet soldier. If we include his grandfather; We can easily say that Putin grew up with the love of the regime.

Meanwhile, Putin; Before he was born, he had lost some of his relatives in the German occupation and learned of these losses as a child. It seems inevitable that all these developments will have an impact on Putin.

Putin’s primary and high school age

Putin, first in line fourth from left

Known as an intelligent student, but never to the fore Putin, who did not come out, was interested in martial arts such as sambo and judo at primary school age. He learned enough German to speak fluently in high school. The German he learned in high school would be of great benefit to him in his later years.

After high school, the party’s advice and university education

Putin with his family

After high school, Putin decided to study law. and began his undergraduate studies at the Leningrad State University. Putin graduated from Leningrad State University in 1975 with a bachelor’s degree in law and a master’s degree in economics. Law Professor Anatoly Sobchak, whom he met here, became one of the names that most influenced his life

Putin’s marriage during his busy life

Putin’s marriage to Shkrebneva

Vladimir Putin married Lyudmila Shkrebneva on July 28, 1983. From this marriage they had two daughters, Mariya and Yeketarina. As you can imagine, his family is extremely mysterious, just like Putin.

Joining the KGB and serving in Germany

Putin’s identity card in East Germany

Putin graduated from university As soon as he became a member of the Soviet Union, he began to serve in the Soviet Union’s intelligence and secret service, the Committee Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, or as we all know, the KGB. Putin’s code name in the KGB was Platov.

Putin was first assigned to East Germany under the KGB because he also spoke German. While serving as a KGB agent, he carried a translator ID to conceal his identity. When the Berlin Wall fell, Putin was busy burning Soviet documents. He protected and destroyed confidential documents on behalf of his state, with the warning “if you don’t leave right now, we will open fire on you” against the horrific crowd that was about to raid the KGB building. When he returned to his country, he was rewarded with a state medal. There is no other detailed information about this incident between Putin’s years in Germany.

KGB reports Vladimir Putin

In KGB reports that emerged years later, Putin said; “He is intelligent, very intelligent, has a keen mind, but often has a weak premonition of the consequences of events, so he can appear courageous even when taking terrible steps. He’s also cold-blooded, just like a refrigerator.”

Putin’s return to his country and his rise in the career ladder

Vladimir Putin and his daughters

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Vladimir Putin has returned to his country. Putin, who resigned from the KGB when he was a lieutenant colonel, even worked as a taxi driver during this period. Professor of Law Anatoly Sobchak, who is his teacher from the university, is in St. When he became the first elected mayor of the city of St. Petersburg, he also appointed Putin as his deputy.

Putin saw the benefits of his political environment for the first time

It was documented by investigators that while he was the vice mayor, Putin condoned fictitious exports and shared a profit of 93 million dollars. and despite the decision to be removed from office; He got out of this job through his political friendships and past.

Putin joins the state administration, never to leave again

Vladimir Putin, signed by President Boris Yeltsin on March 26, 1997, by his close circle As a result of the references given, he was appointed as the Deputy Chief of General Staff.

With his name being heard by the media, Putin’s past began to be investigated. As a result of these investigations, it was claimed that some theses written by Putin on 27 June 1997 were plagiarism (copied or stolen). In the face of the allegations, Putin defended himself by saying “it’s not plagiarism, it’s attribution”. The Thesis Committee also decided on the incident as “not plagiarism, but reference”.

Putin got rid of this incident after the investigation at the municipality. It was as if a magic and secret hand was always protecting Putin from everything and preparing him for the presidency.

Putin completed his last internship by becoming the head of the FSB

Vladimir Putin’s FSB years

Vladimir Putin quickly he was receiving training on state administration, and his last stop was to be appointed head of the Federal Security Service (FSB – Federalnaya Slujba Bezopasnosti), which replaced the closed KGB. With his success here, he managed to get full marks from his superiors.

Vladimir Putin enters the state administration

Vladimir Putin undertook the duties of deputy prime minister and acting prime minister for 1 week between 9 -16 August 1999. As has been claimed many times, secret hands seemed to have prepared Putin for state administration, and they seemed to want to try and see if these preparations worked.

Putin is being tested for the last time; Proxy President Vladimir Putin

Boris Yeltsin, who went down in history as the person who made Vladimir Putin the head of state; on the right

Vladimir Putin, who started to serve as prime minister on August 16, 1999, assumed the duty of presidency again, this time by proxy, for 3 months as per the constitution, following the resignation of the then President Boris Yeltsin on December 31, 1999. Yeltsin openly pointed to Putin as the new head of state when resigning. Putin, on the other hand, summed up this moment years later by saying, “I never felt I was ready.”

The first decree that Putin signed on December 31, 1999 was one that prevented the investigation of outgoing presidents and their families. It was alleged that he made this move to protect Yeltsin, who was accused of bribery while he was in office.

Putin is not a first-time appointee; becomes a position through election: President Vladimir Putin

Successor predecessor moment

The presidential election held after the end of the 3-month proxy presidency is 50% in the first round. Vladimir Putin, who won more than 1,000 votes, was not appointed for the first time in his life; He won a position with the election and sat on the chair of the state.

Putin’s victory over Chechen terrorist organizations and his growing popularity

Putin’s victory in Chechnya

There has been a lot of progress. Chechens, who demanded to be an independent state, could not get the answer they wanted from Russia, and in 2002 they took 850 citizens hostage at the Moscow Theater.

Putin’s determination marked this hostage operation in which 170 people lost their lives. After this incident, Putin consolidated his authority over both the Chechens and the Russian people. After the events, Putin won the elections held in 2004 with 71% of the votes and obtained the right to continue as the head of state for another term.

It was claimed by some circles that the hostage incident prepared and benefited from Putin and secret hands “so that Putin could harden his Chechnya policy and win the election”, but these claims could not be proven as you can imagine.

Exchange of duties with Medvedev

Dmitri Medvedev, right

Vladimir Putin could not be a candidate for the presidency in 2008 as per the constitution. For this reason, he wanted Dmitri Medvedev, one of his most trusted names, to become the head of state. In the process that continued until 2012, Dmitri Medvedev assumed the presidency; Vladimir Putin served as prime minister. This process is commonly referred to by the world as Tandemocracy. The word tandemocracy is derived from the word “tandem”, meaning a 2-seater bicycle.

As you might guess, the head of state was Vladimir Putin. Only according to the constitution Medvedev was elected head of state.

Putin started the presidency period that has lasted until today

Putin, who left the office to Medvedev on paper for 4 years in accordance with the Constitution, reached 63% on March 4, 2012. He was reinstated as the head of state with 6 votes. Under normal circumstances, Putin’s term should have ended in 2020, but with the constitutional amendment and popular approval in the referendum, Vladimir Putin will be able to serve as the head of state until 2036, if he wishes.

Vladimir Putin’s private life is on fire

Alina Kabaeva

Moskovsky Korrespondent Newspaper in April 2008, Vladimir Putin & Lyudmila Shkrebneva claimed that the couple divorced and that Putin was engaged to Alina Kabaeva. This claim of the newspaper was denied. A short time later, the newspaper was shut down by the state. The couple’s divorce was officially announced in 2013, 5 years after the divorce allegations.

Again regarding Putin’s private life; it was claimed that his mother was another woman and the woman who was alleged to be his mother lived in Georgia. Journalists who voiced the allegation and prepared to investigate lost their lives in a suspicious way.

Vladimir Putin’s political view

Vladimir Putin used and continues to use sentences praising the Soviet Union in many of his speeches. We can clearly state that Putin still has a love for the Soviet Union today. We can base the occupation of Ukraine, which we are witnessing today, on this love.

Vladimir Putin; it is trying to give Russia its power in the Soviet Union Era without communism. He is also often criticized by his communist-minded citizens in his country. This policy, which he describes as defending the interests of his country against the West without being hostile to the West, is called post-Soviet.

Allegations of meddling in the US Elections

Putin’s decision to defame Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election and for Donald Trump to win. It is claimed that he made various trials and studies. Although both Putin and Trump deny these allegations; In 2018, Putin said in a speech that “it is of course possible that some Russian people with patriotic views interfered in the US elections”.

Although Putin later corrected this statement as “not Russian, but Tatars, Ukrainians and Jews with Russian citizenship”, Russian interference in the US Elections was discussed for a long time.

The image of a great man in every subject

Vladimir Putin, written and visual images belonging to the state since the first day he was president he used the media to create an image of himself as a “great guy”. Later, he continued this policy by controlling the private media that are not owned by the state. According to the image created in the media, Putin understands everything, takes care of everything, is the best in everything. For example, he hunts very well, plays ice hockey very well, drives an F1 car, rides a glider…

One of the reasons behind Vladimir Putin’s creation of this image is to his nation, “We are still strong after the collapse of the Soviet Union”. to deliver your message. In this way, Putin gives messages that Russia has a strong president and that they can return to their former glory days.

International reputation and world response

Vladimir Putin, you like it or not; He proved that he is the most popular head of state in the world with the awards he received many times. He was named person of the year by Time and the strongest person of the year many times by Forbes. He was not satisfied with this and was honored by many institutions and organizations.

Putin is at the top of the list of the most well-known and most admired foreign leaders in many countries of the world, thanks to his policy through the media.

Russian type controlled democracy and Putin

Vladimir Putin during the voting process

Vladimir Putin for his generally harsh rule by his country and the world It’s called “Iron Fist”. In fact, in the early days when he took over the administration, he won the love of the people with his harsh attitude towards the Russian oligarchs.

Later, his militarist policies won every election he entered, despite the lack of support and opposition from the public on this issue. Interestingly, the EU and various organizations have prepared “insecurity and doubt” reports about every election Vladimir Putin entered and won since 2002.

Another remarkable point in the Russian type of controlled democracy is that many opposition journalists or politicians lost their lives at different times, usually due to poisoning or heart attacks.

Final notes on Vladimir Putin

Some newspapers, especially Sabah, Yeni Akit and Milli Gazete, wrote that Vladimir Putin was a Muslim in those days.

As we come to the end of our content about Vladimir Putin; He was a staunch Omer Khayyam fan, and in one of his interviews, the Russian journalists’ statement “You should definitely read Omer Khayyam” drew attention. In fact, this statement was published in some mainstream media in our country, “Is Putin a secret Muslim?” It gave rise to the question.

Putin’s Soviet love is not eastward; It should be noted that it is facing west. We can show the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Ukraine as examples supporting this.

Editorial Opinion

Although Vladimir Putin stands out as the most talked about leader in the world today due to the invasion of Ukraine, there are already data before the invasion (almost the first time he was elected president). He was the world’s most popular head of state. With its popularity these days, we can say that it has only increased its popularity at the top.

Vladimir Putin’s popularity cannot make the war innocent, that even his anti-NATO or Soviet love cannot be more valuable than the lives of “innocent people”, that some states that defend the so-called peace have made similar mistakes a few years ago, that even the worst peace is the worst. We would like to share with you that it is better than just war.

What do you guys think about Vladimir Putin? To what do you think he owes his status as the most popular president in the world? Do you think there were hidden hands in Putin’s story of becoming president? You can express your thoughts in the comments.

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