Monster Pusat Virtual 7.1 video review

Monster Pusat Virtual 7.1 video review

There is no need to tell again and again how Monster has become a power over the years when it comes to laptops, and what it means for our country. On the other hand, Monster’s success in laptops and its appetite for new models are so high that some of its very successful products may be left behind. An example of this was the previous generation Pusat headphones from Monster. When he came to the office, he surprised us with his performance and comfort in a way we never expected. Fortunately, it has gained a good place in the market as well, receiving the praise it deserves. This time we are reviewing a newer and more colorful member of the Pusat series and get ready, we will say good things again.

Starting with the design, the Pusat Lite has a very large appearance and the huge Monster logo on the back of the drivers supports this feeling. This feeling isn’t just about the look, the headphone with 50mm huge drivers and metal-reinforced headband is one of the heaviest headphones we’ve reviewed, with a weight of 425 grams. Do not be afraid, this feeling disappears as soon as you put the headset on your head, as the headband system, which Plantronics has perfected before, does not tire you at all, and best of all, it fits perfectly on your head without the need for adjustment. The RGB lighting, which surrounds the drivers peripherally, is a bit pastel, but looks pleasing to the eye.

So, how is the game and music performance of the product? First of all there is no control behind the drivers. Instead, you can access the volume, RGB lighting, microphone mute and hold tight, vibration on and off settings from the large remote on the cable of the headset. Pusat Lite gives the right to control the vibration because it has been a very strong product in terms of bass. While the 50mm drivers are extremely consistent in the bass and mids, if you like a treble-heavy EQ, they may not satisfy you very much. The frequency range of the product is in the range of 20Hz-20Khz, which we can call the industry standard, and the sound level is really high. Don’t make the mistake of turning the volume all the way up, you’ll forget your name or something.

The microphone of the product also provides an unexpectedly successful performance. Our sister magazine also managed to get plus points from everyone during the hours of gaming experience we had with the LEVEL team. The sound is transmitted across clearly and the sound level is also very pleasant.

By the way, what we dislike the most about the Pusat Lite is that the braided cable is extremely thick and rigid. Whatever you do, the 2.2m long cable gets tangled somewhere and somehow manages to hinder your movements. There is no problem in its quality, but as we said, it is very thick and low in elasticity.

Monster Pusat Lite, as you can understand from its name, is a product that offers you environmental sound through virtualization instead of an integrated DAC. When you use Windows Sonic, position accuracy in games is extremely successful and surprise, Pusat Lite continues to have a very pleasant experience while listening to music.