Mobile Game “Enthusiasts” Here: 9 out of 10 Mobile Games Are Forgotten Within Three Years, Half Are Canceled During Development

Mobile Game “Enthusiasts” Here: 9 out of 10 Mobile Games Are Forgotten Within Three Years, Half Are Canceled During Development

The world of mobile games is growing day by day. Especially the recent years have been recorded as the times when we saw that even companies producing games for PC and consoles developed mobile games. However, a new research reveals that mobile games are not that successful, or rather, they cannot create a loyal player base.

A market research company called Atomik Research conducted a research with 500 mobile game developers in the USA and the UK. This research, conducted using the interview method, revealed very striking results. According to the research, a significant 43 percent of initiated mobile game projects are canceled while they are still in the development phase. In addition, the vast majority of mobile games, 83 percent, end up on the dusty shelves of history within 3 years of their release.

Most mobile games are only profitable in the first year

The research revealed that mobile games made huge profits only in the first year. According to this; 76 percent of mobile games make their biggest profits in their first year. The rate of mobile games that can increase revenue in the second year is only 4 percent. However, mobile game developers do not give up working. 78 percent of the developers participating in the research said that they continue to work on new mobile game projects.

So why do mobile games fail? The answer to this question is partly related to the developers. The research showed that a developed mobile game was insufficient to update it regularly. So much so that 38 percent of developers do not update their games regularly. However, less than half of the developers surveyed were providing monthly updates. This being the case, it is pointless to even discuss why games are not permanent.