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Microsoft’s new security component requires reinstallation

The new Smart App Control component, which will be released for the Windows 11 version, requires a reinstallation of the operating system. Only new devices will be exempt from this.
 Microsoft’s new security component requires reinstallation
READING NOW Microsoft’s new security component requires reinstallation

The big update for Windows 11 in the second half of the year will bring many important security components. One of them requires reinstalling the Windows 11 operating system.

What is Smart App Control?

The security component called Smart App Control, which will be integrated into the Windows 11 operating system, offers system-level functions. The component, which can block unsigned applications, can also detect potentially malicious behavior.

Android move from Microsoft

Added 3 days ago

With component code signing system combines the reliable cloud modeling system. Artificial intelligence algorithms are constantly interacting with the Microsoft cloud. Thus, the latest security requirements and artificial intelligence models can be obtained.

The worst part is that the Windows 11 operating system needs to be reinstalled for integration. A reboot is common with software updates in general, but reinstalling can be awkward. Only newly released Windows 11 devices come with this component integrated.

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