Microsoft open sourced 3D Movie Maker’s code

Microsoft has made the source code of 3D Movie Maker open 27 years ago. The code is available on GitHub.
 Microsoft open sourced 3D Movie Maker’s code
READING NOW Microsoft open sourced 3D Movie Maker’s code

Microsoft has open-sourced the code for 3D Movie Maker, an animation program it first released in 1995. The original source code for the project is now available on GitHub as open source under the MIT license.

Published at the request of a person

3D Movie Maker, a program powered by the 1995 BRender engine that allows its users to create short cartoons by placing characters and props in pre-created environments, is open source 27 years after its creation has become.

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Added 2 days ago

Microsoft’s open source code for 3D Movie Maker, a user requested the source code of the program on Twitter, and the company started working on it. Microsoft Developer Division Community Manager Scott Hanselman recently announced on Twitter that the user’s request was fulfilled.

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