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Microsoft ‘Accidentally’ Released Software to Enable Hidden Features in Windows 11 for Everyone

Microsoft accidentally released the "StagingTool" tool for enabling the hidden features of Windows 11 for everyone. The application was removed when the incident was understood, but the StagingTool can be accessed on the forum sites.
 Microsoft ‘Accidentally’ Released Software to Enable Hidden Features in Windows 11 for Everyone
READING NOW Microsoft ‘Accidentally’ Released Software to Enable Hidden Features in Windows 11 for Everyone

US-based technology giant Microsoft took a big “wrong step” with Windows 11. The company accidentally released a built-in tool to find and enable features that haven’t been activated yet in Windows 11. As such, developers started using this tool called “StagingTool”. Microsoft removed the app after noticing the mistake, but in vain. StagingTool has already spread to forums related to Windows 11…

In fact, features that were not enabled for Windows 11 were previously available through a third-party software “ViveTool”. Using this software, users were able to make edits as well as discover new features. It turns out that StagingTool serves exactly the same purpose. Software-savvy Windows enthusiasts will be able to instantly access all the hidden features in Windows 11 with StagingTool, which is more like a command line application.

Microsoft already knew there were third-party software on the subject, but it didn’t sound

ViveTool is software that has been around for a long time and Microsoft was aware of its existence. In fact, Amanda Langowski, head of the Windows Insider division, said in a past statement, “We also know that some of our more technical Insiders have discovered that some features are intentionally disabled in test builds.” had used the words. This suggests that Microsoft StagingTool may actually have been released deliberately.

Here’s what the Microsoft StagingTool looks like:

*Screenshot of StagingTool.

With the accidental release of Microsoft StagingTool, a new era for Windows 11 may have begun. So much so that developers can reveal more hidden features of Windows 11 thanks to this tool. However, Microsoft may not keep a secret feature in Windows 11 test versions to avoid such a thing. If the second option turns out to be true, we will no longer be able to discover Windows 11 features beforehand. We will see together what will happen.

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