Micron produces the industry’s first 232-layer NAND module

Micron was able to reach up to 232 layers thanks to the 6-plane TLC NAND cells it used for the first time in the industry. Storage capacity has also become much denser.
 Micron produces the industry’s first 232-layer NAND module
READING NOW Micron produces the industry’s first 232-layer NAND module

There is a fierce layer competition among NAND memory manufacturers. The mass memory solution, which provides more capacity and faster communication in the same membrane area, has reached record layer numbers.

232 layer NAND

Micron previously introduced its first 176-layer NAND memory module. The new NAND module has been achieved with improvements and material optimizations on this design. It is also supported by the company’s own technologies.

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The 232-layer NAND module uses the world’s first 6-plane TLC cells. High transfer rates can be achieved as each layer has an independent reading capability. The I/O speeds of the memory can go up to 2.4GB/s. Compared to the previous generation, a 100 percent increase in writing speeds and a 75 percent increase in read speeds has been achieved.

The new NAND module, which will be available on a 11.5 mm x 13.5 mm card, is 28 percent smaller than the previous generation. Density by area is 100 percent higher in places. Thus, the most intense TLC cell is obtained. The new 232-layer NAND memory manufactured in Singapore has started limited shipments under the Crucial brand.

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