Meteor Hits James Webb Space Telescope

It was announced that meteorites hit the James Webb Space Telescope, which NASA sent into space in December 2021. NASA shared that the telescope is in good condition and the situation is normal.
 Meteor Hits James Webb Space Telescope
READING NOW Meteor Hits James Webb Space Telescope

Although space is bigger than we can imagine, our spacecraft, which occupies a very small place in this eternity, may face various dangers. Meteorites, large and small, are among the most likely of these dangers. There has been an event that has shown this danger to the world again recently.

After years of waiting, the James Webb Space Telescope, which was finally launched into space on December 25, 2021, recently faced a danger. According to the statement shared by NASA, many small meteorites hit the James Webb Space Telescope.

The telescope continues to work solidly:

According to the shared statement, the collisions took place between May 23 and May 25. One of these collisions took place in one of the telescope’s main mirror parts. Fortunately, the team observed from Earth that the telescope was robust enough to meet all mission requirements and continued to operate.

While it was stated that studies on the effect of collisions between the James Webb Space Telescope and meteorites are continuing, some information about the durability of the telescope was also shared. According to what NASA shared, the telescope was built to withstand such micro-collisions. NASA also announced that such collisions are expected at all times and at any time.

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