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Meteor Has Landed in Scotland: Here Are The Fearful Moments [Video]

In Scotland and the UK, many have encountered a 'huge' object that entered the atmosphere very quickly. While the object is thought to be a meteor, studies are ongoing to determine exactly what it is.
 Meteor Has Landed in Scotland: Here Are The Fearful Moments [Video]
READING NOW Meteor Has Landed in Scotland: Here Are The Fearful Moments [Video]

While our planet continues to be the target of hundreds of celestial bodies, large and small, every day, the larger ones create a visibly frightening sight. The most recent of these has been seen most recently in areas north of Scotland and England.

Hundreds of people living in the two countries encountered a frightening sight at night. They witnessed the moments when a large meteor fell to Earth. Many people in Scotland also shared that they heard a huge explosion as the meteor entered the atmosphere and broke the sound barrier. Meteor was captured from citizens’ phones and security cameras as follows:

Meteor’s falling to Earth:

The UK Meteor Network group, which aims to detect the fall of meteorites with special cameras, announced that the object seen is being investigated. The group shared that they are just examining whether the object is a meteor or space junk. On the other hand, where the object fell has not yet been announced. Many citizens shared that what they saw was bigger than anything they had seen before.

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