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Masks in Schools Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 by 3.5 Times

With the introduction of face-to-face education, there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases worldwide. American researchers also examined the effect of wearing masks in schools on the risk of spreading COVID-19. Research has revealed the benefit of masks in schools.
 Masks in Schools Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 by 3.5 Times
READING NOW Masks in Schools Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 by 3.5 Times

A group of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States examined the effect of wearing masks in schools on the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

The researchers examined over a 1.5-month period in 210 schools where mask-wearing is mandatory and 480 schools that are not. In this process, they examined the cases of COVID-19 in all schools. It was determined that 87.5% of the infected students were educated in schools where wearing masks is not compulsory. The researchers also took into account the size of the school, the measures taken, and other factors. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the probability of contracting the COVID-19 epidemic in schools without masks is 3.5 times more than in schools with mask mandatory.

With the opening of schools, cases have also increased in the USA:

CDC researchers conducted a pediatric COVID-19 review covering 520 counties across the United States. The rate of COVID-19 cases in children in the weeks before and after the start of face-to-face education was examined. After schools opened, there was an overall increase in COVID-19 cases. After the opening of schools in districts where masks are required, 16.32 out of 100,000 children a day were infected with coronavirus. In the districts where it is not compulsory to wear masks at school, 34.85 child cases were seen per day.

It is known that the most important tool in the fight against COVID-19, besides vaccination, social distance rule, quarantine, testing and of course hygiene, is the mask. Public health experts are warning children, teachers and other staff to take basic precautions in common areas.

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