Mark Zuckerberg narrowly avoided being sacked!

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has had new developments in the Cambridge Analytica case. The CEO will not be fired.
 Mark Zuckerberg narrowly avoided being sacked!
READING NOW Mark Zuckerberg narrowly avoided being sacked!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Meta have been on the agenda for data scandals for a long time. Especially with the Cambridge Analytica scandal that occurred in the US presidential elections and affected the election results, Mark Zuckerberg managed to be the focus of criticism. According to the latest news, there are new developments regarding the case.

Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sansberg will not be off duty

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been questioned in the US Congress after news that as many as 87 million user information was in the hands of third parties in 2018. During the interrogation, the questions asked by the members of Congress to Zuckerberg were on the internet agenda. The four-year lawsuit, in which ‘Cambridge Analytica’ was held responsible, was finally settled.

According to a court filing, the Company and the plaintiffs came to an understanding in principle. They also requested a 60-day postponement in order to finalize the written agreement. Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg would be sacked before September 20, with the deal failing.

In addition, these two names would have to testify. Now, Zuckerberg won’t be sworn in before opposition lawyers about the details of what happened at his company at the time of the election. Regarding the case, Facebook stated that its privacy practices were consistent with its disclosures. He additionally stated that he ‘does not support any legal claims’.

Facebook and lawyers for Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher did not provide further details on the deal in question. But taking things even further as a result of all events is claimed to be a high value for money for Meta.

Zuckerberg’s behavior in Congress has been discussed for a long time. Regarding acting like a robot during interrogation, the CEO made a statement on Joe Rogan’s podcast program. “I don’t like the way you sip water, but you’re sipping water in the Senate, drinking like a robot,” Rogan said. He started his comment first by drinking a sip of water. He then said, “Senate testimony is not exactly a setting set up to highlight a person’s humanity. If you stay there for six or seven hours, you’ll make a face worthy of boobs.” said.

So, what do you think of the Mark Zuckerberg and Cambridge Analytica case? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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