Mark Zuckerberg burned: He could go to jail because of Facebook!

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in trouble again over the Cambridge Analytica data breach scandal. Zuckerberg was sued in the USA.
 Mark Zuckerberg burned: He could go to jail because of Facebook!
READING NOW Mark Zuckerberg burned: He could go to jail because of Facebook!

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg remains a controversial figure when it comes to user data privacy. Zuckerberg, who was heavily criticized for the Cambridge Analytica data breach scandal that emerged in 2018, was brought to court again regarding the scandal.

Mark Zuckerberg sued over Cambridge Analytica scandal

Developments related to Cambridge Analytica scandal still continue after four years. The latest lawsuit, led by a US attorney general, also involves Mark Zuckerberg, who is “an integral part of the chain of data breaches.” US judges consider Meta CEO personally responsible for the Cambridge Analytica data scandal.

A new lawsuit filed by District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine requested a review of the relationship between Cambridge Analytica and Mark Zuckerberg. The attorney general, who wanted to put Zuckerberg in the place of the defendant, claimed that the data was misused with Zuckerberg’s knowledge.

You should more or less remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal that was exposed in 2018. Political analytics firm Cambridge Analytica had illegally accessed the information of more than 50 million Facebook users. Facebook admitted it was “misusing” the data.

However, after a while, it was revealed that this number reached 87 million users. Facebook apologized, CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the US Congress to answer questions, and Facebook was fined a record $5 billion.

In the statement made by the District of Columbia Attorney General’s Office, it was stated that Mark Zuckerberg will be investigated for the second time after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. According to the statement, Meta CEO was “directly involved in the processes that opened the door to the data breach”.

Final lawsuit to examine Meta’s CEO could result in Zuckerberg making a large payment. Attorney General Racine believes that every user affected by this scandal should receive financial compensation. Zuckerberg could also face jail time if he doesn’t pay this money.

“Given that Facebook’s platform is designed to allow abuse, Zuckerberg’s company is operating largely without appropriate safeguards”

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