Many Reactions to Sharing Targeting Publishers

Many Reactions to Sharing Targeting Publishers

Not a day goes by that a person does not comment on the earnings of new media publishers. The owner of today’s comment was journalist and presenter Candaş Tolga Işık. Işık confronted the publishers with his tweet upon meeting a Twitch publisher.

Işık, who met a person who broadcasts by playing games on Twich and learned his monthly income, announced his surprise with a post on Twitter. Many Twitter users reacted to the journalist’s sharing.

Candaş Tolga Işık’s Twitter post:

The sharing of Candaş Tolga Işık, who also broadcasts on a TV channel, about the earnings of the broadcasters, received a reaction from many people, including the broadcasters. The majority of the reactions were that the job was not as easy as it seemed and should not be underestimated.

Thanks to the developing media tools, the methods of reaching the audience are changing and the successful ones stand out as always. Despite the widespread use of online work, the success achieved as a result of the work done is ignored in most occupational groups. But hearing this kind of comment from a broadcaster provokes an even bigger backlash. Users who reacted to Işık’s sharing agreed that no professional group should be compared, let alone the earnings of the CEOs of the country, and that the focus should be on the success achieved as a result of the work done.

Here are the reactions to Candaş Tolga Işık’s tweet: