Lost Charter Revealed at an Auction in England

It has been learned that a lost foundation charter belonging to the Ottoman period, which has been sought for years, will be put up for sale at an auction to be held in England. Interpol was contacted for the return of the charter to Turkey.
 Lost Charter Revealed at an Auction in England
READING NOW Lost Charter Revealed at an Auction in England

It has been learned that the lost ‘foundation’, also known as the ‘foundation certificate’, containing all the correspondence of the Zaganoş Pasha Foundation, will be put up for sale at an auction to be held in London, the capital of England, on October 21. It was noted that the Directorates of the General Directorate of Foundations, Registration Department and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage Museums, Smuggling Department, which immediately started working for the return of the foundation, applied to Interpol for the return of the artifact.

The endowment of the lost Zaganos Pasha Foundation dated 866, corresponding to the year 1462, bearing the signature of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror; It was stated that the Zağanos Pasha Foundation includes the purpose and conditions of its establishment and started with the ‘Besmele’. The names of the founders of the foundation are also written on the foundation, which is written in black ink and in Arabic handwriting.

There are 22 or 23 works lost in the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Republic.

It was stated that the opening price of the piece, which is 20.5 centimeters wide and 114 centimeters long, and partially strengthened with red weaving, is 80 thousand pounds, or 980 thousand TL. As a result of the research carried out jointly by the Department of Smuggling of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage Museums and the Directorate of Registration of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Foundations; It was determined that it was one of the artifacts smuggled during the British occupation of Istanbul between 1918-1920.

In addition to the charter, it was recorded that there were 22 or 23 lost works that were similarly smuggled, sold or donated in the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Republic period. It was stated that the work is ongoing to identify the lost artifacts and that, once they are detected, the procedures for their return to Turkey have been initiated immediately.

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