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Lol Sion CT (Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

Sion, the undead warlord of Noxus, descends into Summoner's Rift in all his brutality and terror. Sion, one of the most dangerous characters of Noxus, was the subject of this article. Our character, which has been completely renewed with Riot's hand a long time ago, has now become one of the heavyweights of the top lane. On this occasion, we decided to examine Sion's CTs (Counters), abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
 Lol Sion CT (Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits
READING NOW Lol Sion CT (Counter), Abilities, Strong Weak Traits

One of the flag bearers among the characters that came to their senses with its complete renovation, Sion is a character that has been in a very popular position for a while. Known for being a tanky and clumsy character by giving due to his size, Sion can have really frightening damage in the right item array. In addition to this, you can have a potential approaching immortality according to the items you make. The interesting part is that it is possible to inflict damage whether you do the array of items for the attack or the array of items for the tank.

Although he seems like a character that lethality items are not suitable at all, Sion can cause frightening damage with his abilities. In addition, the fact that his ultimate ability can also damage turrets can make it very annoying to play against Sion. Don’t be surprised if you leave the top corridor empty for 5 minutes and see your corridor flat. It would be correct to say that dealing with Sion is both easy and difficult. Now that we have given small details about our immortal giant friend, we can examine Sion’s CTs (Counters), abilities, strengths and weaknesses:

Sion CTs: Counters that are strong against Sion:

  • Lilia
  • Yone
  • Riven
  • Vayne
  • Fiora

Dealing with Sion actually easier than you think. Especially early in the game, Sion acts as a walking pile of meat. As its type suggests, Sion has nothing to do with mobility. That’s why characters with strong mobility can dance around Sion. The lane phase can be very painful for Sion, especially in the early stages. But oddly enough, Sion’s late-stage buff potential is pretty high. You can see a good Sion player in the late game like a walking fortress or destroying the nation with his skills.

Dead Giant Sion’s full abilities:

  • Passive / Death’s Glory: After Sion is killed, Sion respawns temporarily, but his health is quickly reduced. Meanwhile, his attacks are greatly accelerated, healing him and dealing bonus damage based on his target’s maximum health.
  • Q / Destroy: Sion prepares to strike a powerful blow in an area in front of him, when he’s finished, he strikes, dealing damage to enemies. If he takes enough time to prepare, enemies hit are also knocked up and stunned.
  • W / Soul Melter: Sion shields himself with a shield and can recalibrate after 3 seconds, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies. As Sion kills his enemies, he passively gains maximum Health.
  • E / Enforcer’s Roar: Sion fires a short-range shockwave, damaging, slowing and reducing the armor of the first target hit. If the shockwave hits a minion or monster, the unit hit is knocked back, damaging, slowing, and reducing their armor to all enemies it passes through.
  • R / Unstoppable Charge: Sion charges in one direction and gains speed over time. It can slightly change the direction it is attacking through the position of the mouse cursor. When it hits an enemy, it deals damage and knocks them up based on attack distance.

Noxian Warlord Sion’s strengths and weaknesses:

Sion’s strengths:

  • Being a really tank character
  • Has a special place in destroying towers
  • Being able to turn trades in his favor after a while

Sion is really a tank He is one of the strongest characters in the game. It may take a lot of effort to kill Sion in the late stages of the game. Sion really holds a special place in the tower demolition theme. Aside from the fact that the ultimate ability can damage the towers, you can inflict a lot of damage to the towers even if you have nothing to do with the passive ability that allows it to come back after death. This passive is also a feature that makes Sion quite powerful. Even if you come out as the losing side in the wars you fight head-to-head, you can still get a chance.

Sion’s Weaknesses:

  • Being one of the most clumsy characters in the game
  • Being at a disadvantage in 1e’1 battles
  • Very weak in the early stages

If we were to make a list of the most clumsy characters in the game, Sion would definitely be in the top 5. If his ultimate is on cooldown or hasn’t been unlocked yet, Sion becomes a really clumsy character and his abilities support this situation. In 1v1 battles, Sion is both strong and not. This is actually an interesting detail, but it’s not hard to avoid Sion’s abilities. This makes it disadvantageous in wars. However, the fact that there are many tanks in general can allow things to turn in their favor when the wars are prolonged. Another disadvantage of Sion is that he is very weak in the early phase. Characters that play the early stage dominant can cause Sion to sweat a lot. His passive is the only life-saving feature in this situation.

How to play Sion in LoL?

  • Use the massive crowd control you have
  • Remember that you’ll come back after you die
  • Increase your W’s passive as much as possible

Sion has pretty high crowd control just by itself. After a successful ultimate hit, you can hit the full version of the Q ability for free. Even these 2 abilities alone are enough to do heavy crowd control on their own. Even if you lose in battles, don’t worry, you will always have a second chance through your passive, albeit for a short time. But use this chance carefully and well. Evolve this passive whenever you can, as your W passively grants you a max health boost.

How to play against Sion, how to beat Sion?

  • Try to avoid the Q ability as much as possible
  • Note that Sion can come back to battle after death
  • You’ll notice this when Sion activates his ultimate you will have the chance to adjust your position

Sion’s Q ability is the most powerful weapon he has. So try to avoid this ability as much as possible. If you can’t avoid it, the corridor can be very difficult for you. Even if you win a war against Sion, stay vigilant. Even for a short time, Sion’s dead form will allow him to re-enter the battle. If possible, save your mobility or crowd control abilities for this time. When Sion activates his ultimate, there’s a map-wide sound that makes it clear. When you hear this sound, you can predict the future of Sion and adjust your position.

One of the League of Legends characters, Noxian Warlord Sion, was the subject of this article. We examined Sion’s CTs, abilities, strengths and weaknesses as much as we could and expressed our humble opinions through these reviews. So who is your favorite LoL champion? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.

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