Lithuania throws out Xiaomi phones! Here’s why

Lithuania throws out Xiaomi phones! Here’s why

Xiaomi, which started to play high in the industry after Huawei was blacklisted due to US sanctions, is at the focus of criticism due to a built-in feature detected in some of its models. Finally, Lithuania asked its citizens to throw Xiaomi phones in the trash.

Lithuania: Get rid of your Xiaomi phones fast

This event, which was on the agenda in a short time, broke out when the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense detected the censorship feature built into some Chinese-made smartphones, especially Xiaomi. The Lithuanian Cyber ​​Security Authority, which published a new report on the subject yesterday, announced that some flagship models, especially those sold by Xiaomi, have the ability to detect and censor terms such as “Free Tibet”, “Long Live Taiwan” and “Democracy Movements”.

In addition, it was announced that the built-in censorship feature was detected in the Xiaomi 10T 5G model, which is sold globally. It was also mentioned in the report that the feature is currently disabled in the European Union region, but can be turned on remotely at any time.

Let us point out that there is another interesting detail in the report published by the Cyber ​​Security Institution. Accordingly, it was claimed that Xiaomi smartphones transmit data to a server in Singapore. While the same feature was detected in the Huawei P40 5G model, no built-in censorship feature was found in any model of another Chinese company OnePlus.

The report also announced that the number of Chinese terms that can be censored by system applications, including the internet browser, is 449, and this is constantly updated.

On top of all these developments, Deputy Defense Minister Margiris Abukevicius said in a statement, “Our recommendation is not to buy new Chinese phones and to get rid of those that have already been bought as quickly as possible. ” he said.