Let’s get those who are confident in their English here: Can you answer this 110-year-old Cambridge English exam question correctly?

Let’s get those who are confident in their English here: Can you answer this 110-year-old Cambridge English exam question correctly?

Exams in schools or to get a job used to be a cause for anxiety and anxiety even for the most prepared students, as they do today. As a necessary part of getting a job you wanted, in 1913 anyone wanting to become an English teacher had to take a very long Cambridge exam. To celebrate the 110th anniversary of this English exam, Cambridge has released a question from the exam. So can you solve this question?

In June 1913, only three candidates hoping to become English teachers took the first £3 English Proficiency Certificate exam. The challenging exam lasted 12 hours and included dictation, translation and phonetic translation sections. Today, this exam is known as “C2 Proficiency” and more than 6 million people take Cambridge English exams each year to prove their English language skills.

One hundred and ten years after it was first administered, the C2 Proficiency exam is now the top Cambridge English exam. The exam still focuses on communication skills, although they have changed significantly during this time.

Now let’s move on to the hard part… Can you answer the 110-year-old Cambridge exam question, which you will see below?

Below are the answers, with the caveat that views on what ‘correct’ English should be like have changed a lot in the last 110 years.