Kratos Doesn’t Hurt in Modern Times: Call of Duty Developers Respond to the Joke About the Game

Kratos Doesn’t Hurt in Modern Times: Call of Duty Developers Respond to the Joke About the Game

At The Game Awards 2023, we witnessed exciting announcements and the best awards of the year. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that the event was quite enjoyable, and the fact that certain humorous references were added added to the fun. However, the developers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 chose not to leave a reference made to them hanging in the air.

The reference in question came from Christopher Judge, who brought Kratos to life. The voice actor, who received his award and made his speech afterwards, received some responses from Call of Duty developers on X (Twitter).

“We heard worse”

Christopher Judge on stage said that he would not give a long speech like last year, but even this speech was longer than the story mode of CoD Modern Warfare 3. Afterwards, laughter started to rise among the crowd.

Ajinkya Limaye, a former developer, said that this reference was “funny” but that in all stats, CoD “destroyed” the God of War series (probably even if their stats were added together) and that was just as funny. Although Limaye later deleted this post, fans constantly write answers to him under his other posts.

Nelson Plumey, who served as art director, said: “Just imagine, when your game is consumed, your user interaction decreases. “I can’t think…” he shared. Users rightly argued that the interaction of a game with only a story will decrease after consumption.

Daracy Sandall stated that as developers, they have heard worse, but he did not expect these words from someone in the same industry as them at an event held to celebrate achievements in the acting industry. She also talked about leaks, especially during the development process.

Editor’s note:

Frankly, it was obvious that the joke concerned the gaming industry and was not aimed at individual developers. “We worked so hard, there were leaks, we had to release the game in so many months.” Unfortunately, thoughts like these are not enough to fix Modern Warfare 3. Because these are things that ‘shouldn’t happen’, regardless of the developers.
We cannot call a game good just because we worked day and night for 16 months. If something is to be done about this, it will not be to cut off the references made; I think it is necessary to solve the problems such as short deadlines, layoffs, the habit of releasing bug-filled games and fixing them later, which have become the bleeding wound of the game industry, and the habit of releasing games at a ceiling price with the idea that “they will buy whatever we release anyway”. The “my game beats yours” fight doesn’t seem to make much sense.

Of course, there are those who find what Chris said harsh for that event. Keeping my thoughts independent of the news, let’s put the question to you: Do you think it’s inappropriate for Chris to make such a joke at this event, or are Call of Duty developers overreacting to the incident?