Keanu Reeves Donates 70% of Matrix Proceeds

Keanu Reeves Donates 70% of Matrix Proceeds

Keanu Reeves, one of the most sympathetic names in the film industry, managed to make his name known to the whole world, especially with The Matrix series. However, Reeves managed to get the appreciation of many people with his modesty and calm demeanor as well as his acting. Today, there has been a development that will attract Reeves fans even more.

According to the news made by the New York Post, Keanu Reeves donated the majority of his income from the 1999 movie The Matrix, in which he starred, to cancer research. According to this claim made by Lad Bible, Reeves, who earned a total of $45 million from The Matrix (only his first movie), donated 70% of this money, or $31.5 million, to leukemia research.

At the time of Keanu Reeves’ donation, his sister had been battling leukemia for 8 years.

While it will not be confirmed whether Keanu Reeves made such a donation, unless he himself announced it, it is not unexpected that Reeves would donate such a large amount. Because at that time, Reeves’ sister, Kim Reeves, had been fighting leukemia for 8 years when her brother made the donation.

Reeves continued to donate to research after his brother Kim managed to beat cancer. So much so that he even established a private foundation that operated secretly from everyone for a long time. Reeves spoke about this foundation for the first time in 2009, stating that the foundation has been operating for 5-6 years, helping several children’s hospitals and cancer research.