Jonas, the ‘disappearing’ stork in Adana, is on the agenda

There has been no news for two days since Jonas the Stork, who set off from Germany and continues his adventure of migrating to Africa, has been seen in Adana. After the issue was on the social media agenda and the stork was thought to be hunted, a statement came from an expert, explaining that the situation was quite normal and why.
 Jonas, the ‘disappearing’ stork in Adana, is on the agenda
READING NOW Jonas, the ‘disappearing’ stork in Adana, is on the agenda

Stork Jonas, one of the animals closely followed by the scientific world and animal enthusiasts, has recently been brought to the agenda with a worrying development. Jonas, who was followed live on the internet with the tracking device attached to him, had not been giving any signals for two days.

Jonas, who was last seen in Adana and currently migrating to Africa, gave his last signal on August 22. While the concerns increased for the stork, whose signal could not be received for two days, a comforting statement was made today. Wildlife photographer Alper Tüydeş shared that this situation is normal.

The signal is cut every year for the same reason:

Alper Tüydeş made a post on Twitter after not being able to get a signal from Jonas for two days. Jonas noted that the signals from the stork Jonas are cut off at the Syrian border every year. The reason for this was due to the signal cutters on the border.

According to Alper Tüydeş’s statement, the stork will start sending signals again when it starts to land in Syria and move away from the region. Although it is not yet clear when this wait will end, this statement about Jonas also helped reduce the bad thoughts about the stork.

You can follow the stork Jonas and all the other animals:

You can follow all animals with a tracking device, including the stork Jonas, from the application called ‘Animal Tracker’. You can get the application from the App Store and Google Play Store.

The announcement that no word has been heard from Jonas has raised concerns that he has been hunted.

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