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James Webb Discovers Galaxies That Will Forget All Known

Astronomers and astrophysicists at Pennsylvania State University announced that the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered 6 galaxies that were found to form in the first 1 billion years of the universe. But these galaxies are much larger than previously thought.
 James Webb Discovers Galaxies That Will Forget All Known
READING NOW James Webb Discovers Galaxies That Will Forget All Known

With the advancement of technology, humanity’s space studies have also accelerated. Last month, when the James Webb Space Telescope discovered a planet outside the Solar System for the first time, researchers calculated how much space all matter in the universe occupies.

Today, it has been announced that the James Webb Space Telescope has taken pictures of 6 new galaxies. However, these galaxies were observed in a very different state than astronomers had hoped.

6 adult galaxies from the earliest times of the universe discovered

These 6 galaxies, photographed by James Webb, are about 13.5 billion light-years from our world. In other words, these photos you see show us about 600 million years after the Big Bang explosion, which is claimed to have formed the universe. Of course, when this was the case, astronomers expected to see dust clumps that were just beginning to form galaxies. However, according to the researches and the data obtained, these galaxies have already matured and have reached the final stage, which is called the “adult galaxy” and where the Milky Way Galaxy is currently in.

“These photos are our first glimpses of these galaxies, so it’s important to keep an open mind about what we see,” said astrophysicist Joel Leja. While the data suggests these are possible galaxies, I think it’s possible that a few of these objects are hidden supermassive black holes. Regardless, the amount of mass we’ve discovered means that the known mass in stars during this period of our universe is 100 times greater than we previously thought. This is a very surprising change.” used the phrases.

According to Leja and other astrophysicists, the state of the universe billions of years ago may be very different from what is predicted today. Of course, this claim also raises many questions waiting to be clarified.

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