It was announced that a new celestial stone is likely to hit the world (no need to be afraid)

It was announced that a new celestial stone is likely to hit the world (no need to be afraid)

The world’s leading space agencies closely follow a celestial stone in 2032, which was 1.3 %of the possibility of hitting our planet. This celestial stone, called 2024 YR4, was marked by the Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) between the countries on 22 December 2032 as a threat of collision.

The thunder, 2024, was found by a telescope in Río Hurtado, Chile on 27 December 2024. This telescope is a segment of the last warning system (Atlas) network, which makes mission as an early warning system against celestial stones by scanning the sky.

Skystone may be required until 22 December 2032

“The first step of the planetary defense intervention is to determine the absoluteness of the threat by making more observation,” the first step of the planetary defense intervention. he said. If the risk of collision continues, more detailed observations will be made with telescopes, and space agencies will value the options for changing or eliminating the orbit of the sky stone.

At the moment, it is distressing to predict the orbit of the sky stone, because the movement around the Sun is quite without system and the world is moving in a almost flat line. This increases the unknown in the allegations.

Space Task Planning Consultation Cluster, next week in Vienna meeting will discuss the condition of the celestial stone. If the risk of impact continues to remain over 1 %, the United Nations will advise on the issue. NASA’s dart mission with a spacecraft with a spacecraft to change the side of the celestial stone or to destroy the options will be discussed.