It turned out that the emojis could be placed in unknown declarations!

It turned out that the emojis could be placed in unknown declarations!

Security researcher Paul Butler discovered that it is possible to store invisible messages through emojis. With this procedure discovered by Butler, it was said that it can be used for purposes to add waterigran to digital documents as well as overcoming human control.

Paul Butler said in his research that Unicode has found a way to hide extra information in his characters. Here are the details!

Is it possible to monitor digital content with invisible watergranches?

Special characters, known as Unicode’s variation selections in this way of Butler, are used. Variation selections (U+FE00 – U+FE0F and U+E0100 -U+E01EF) are designed to change the style of texts, each has the capacity to carry information. Thus, an emojis or a random Unicode character can be added to the bât’s papers without visible changes.

Butler explained that this method can be used not to carry more human control or to add invisible watermarks to digital documents, not to carry macus -targeted software or ziyanlı content. In particular, thanks to the invisible waterfields, the permissible sharing or copying of a content will also be followed.

The butler, who evaluated the security measures, stated that artificial intelligence systems have the potential to identify messages of this medical bât. Artificial intelligence for OpenAI’s GPT model and Google Gemini can solve these hidden papers when used with appropriate tools while maintaining variation selections. Butler emphasized that the development of automatic detection systems in the future to prevent the use of similar formulas is worth.