It is a fact that everyone knows how important a short sleep is for our health. When the quality of sleep decreases, both mental and physical health begin to deteriorate. These were things that were already known until now. New research on sleep has revealed that poor quality sleep has another effect. Vaccines given to people who did not sleep well were less effective than those given to people who slept well.
In fact, since 2002, scientists have researched the subject and obtained similar results. The issue, which came to the fore again with the COVID-19 pandemic, was discussed again with the University of Chicago and a group of scientists from the USA and the European Union. The research has revealed that short and poor quality night’s sleep does indeed reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. The measurements made proved that there is a visible difference in the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Sleep quality more important for vaccinated men
The results of the study, published in the journal Current Biology, revealed that the link between sleep quality and vaccine effectiveness was valid for men rather than women. But Karine Spiegel, one of the study’s lead authors, said more research on women is needed. Parallel to this, the examinations were mostly applicable to individuals younger than 60 years of age. Meanwhile; It should be noted that the research is within the scope of influenza and hepatitis A and B vaccines.
Although the findings of scientists are important, there are important unknowns. For example, it is not clear how long the period of poor quality sleep will decrease the effectiveness of the vaccine. With this; The link between more vaccines and sleep needs to be examined. Once these studies are completed, the difference between sleep quality and vaccine efficacy will be much better understood.