Is It Possible to Move at Twice the Speed ​​of Light?

Is It Possible to Move at Twice the Speed ​​of Light?

From what we know so far, there’s no way a human could move at twice the speed of light. In fact, it seems impossible for any object with any mass, not just humans, to move faster than the speed of light.

This constant is based on Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, which is considered one of the best physics theories today. According to this theory, the speed of light works as a strict speed limit for anything with mass. Is it really possible to move faster than light?

Can a massive object accelerate to the speed of light?

First of all, it is necessary to look at what it takes to move an object with mass. The more we want to accelerate an object, the more energy we need. When we look at the equations of relativity, you need an infinite amount of energy to accelerate a massive object to the speed of light. But no matter how big the universe is, its energy is limited. This leads us to the conclusion that we cannot accelerate something with mass to the speed of light.

So is it impossible to double the speed of light at all? Maybe it’s a possibility.

The speed limit imposed by the theory of relativity applies to “ordinary mass”. However, hypothetical particles called tachyons, defined as “phantom masses”, can change the course of things. There is no evidence that tachyons exist, but their possible existence cannot be ruled out.

The tachyons must be moving faster than the speed of light.

If tachyons exist, they must be moving faster than the speed of light. Just as matter with normal mass cannot accelerate to the speed of light, tachyons should not fall below the speed of light.

According to some physicists, tachyons are constantly traveling backwards in time.

You may have heard the name tachyon in time travel movies or books before. If tachyons do exist, there may be a way to go back in time. Of course, for this, we must first find out that the tachyons really exist, and then start controlling these tachyons. We have to wait a little longer to go back to the past, as what we currently know about tachyons is no more than conjecture.

The hypothetical theories of today may be the realities of tomorrow.

Much of what has been discovered up to now was just a guess. We continue to shape the knowledge we obtain in science like pieces of a puzzle. For example, if we have found the location of a blue piece, it is easier to guess what should be next to it. Scientists offer theories with a similar logic.

Today we explained to you ways to move faster than light. If you want more content like this, you can write to us in the comments section.

Sources: Gizmodo, Science Alert