Is It Possible For The Sun To Rise From The West One Day?

Is there a possibility that this unusual idea, which you probably heard for the first time due to religious factors, will one day come true? Let's give the definitive answer to this question by leaning our backs on science.
 Is It Possible For The Sun To Rise From The West One Day?
READING NOW Is It Possible For The Sun To Rise From The West One Day?

“The Hour will not come until the sun rises from where it sets.” This sentence is thought to be a verse by many, but it is actually a hadith. Sometimes we witness that the sense of fear of believers is exploited with misleading news by using this hadith to attract attention on social media.

Such claims can even be shared as if they were real, not only by Facebook uncles, but also by the country’s most well-known media outlets. In order to eliminate this information pollution, let’s explain how possible this possibility is:

The shift of the Earth’s magnetic pole is shown as proof that the Sun will rise from the west one day in the future. So is this really possible?

It’s true that the Earth’s magnetic center has shifted. Our planet’s magnetic center is shifting from Canada to Siberia along the North Pole, but this is not a sign that the Sun will rise in the west.

This baseless claim was first revealed by the distortion of the Earth’s magnetic modeling announced by the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency on December 10, 2019. However, there is no information in the official statement that the change in the magnetic field will change the direction of the Sun’s rising.

This change shows the north direction somewhat incorrectly in navigation and compasses at the first stage, but thanks to this data, since these updates have already been made, vehicles such as airplanes and submarines are prevented from making a mistake while finding their way.

How does the Earth’s magnetic field work?

As you know, there are many elements in the universe and each of them has a different gravitational force/magnetization. Metals such as iron and nickel have a very high magnetic power, creating a gravitational field as these metals are found in large quantities in the Earth’s core. This density is higher in regions close to the North Pole. In other words, thanks to this electromagnetic force, the needle of the compass points to the north.

What is the cause of magnetic field deflection?

Since the elements that provide the formation of the magnetic field are in the molten state, they do not stay fixed and move. The magnetic poles of the Earth can therefore change over time. According to a study published in National Geographic, the liquid iron jet stream under Canada may be the cause of this change. This, in turn, may strengthen Siberia by weakening Canada, one of the two magnetic poles holding the north magnetic field.

These not-so-extraordinary aberrations are regularly monitored, and the earth’s magnetic model is updated every five years. Actually, this model was last updated in 2015, but the update was made in 2019 instead of 2020, as the magnetic field moved quickly above expectations. The next update will be in 2025.

These changes have occurred many times throughout history and are not life-threatening.

The location of the magnetic north pole was within the borders of Canada when it was first detected in 1831, but in the meantime it drifted towards Siberia for about 2300 km. The magnetic north and south poles are known to have switched places several times, the last time being about 780,000 years ago. Similar relocations are expected in the future. Scientists underlined that these deviations are not a sign of doomsday.

For the Sun to rise from the west, the Earth must turn upside down or change the direction of its rotation around itself.

For such a thing to happen, the geographic poles, not the Earth’s magnetic poles, must shift. So if the Earth turns upside down, east turns west. The Sun would rise in the west even if the Earth began to rotate around itself, but this also seems scientifically unlikely.

An upside-down or reversal state may be possible with the impact of massive meteorites or stray planets, but such an event seems unlikely to occur even after a very, very long time.

The Presidency of Religious Affairs responds to this distortion of hadiths as follows:

It should be a more accurate judgment to accept that they are a sign that leads to the destruction of the individual and the society rather than being symptoms.”

In summary; The sun will not rise in the west because Earth’s magnetic pole is shifting.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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