Is It Possible for Lefties to Be Right-Handed?

Gather up the lefties who are tired of trying to find a chair to write on, not being able to open tin cans, and scissors being designed for right-handed people all the time. We put an end to all these troubles and tell you how to be right-handed. The situation is no different for right-handed people, of course. They too can learn to be both right-handed and left-handed, just like Einstein, DaVinci, and Tesla.
 Is It Possible for Lefties to Be Right-Handed?
READING NOW Is It Possible for Lefties to Be Right-Handed?

Whether you’re right-handed or left-handed, you’ve surely wondered how it feels to use your other hand to write. Although at first glance it may seem like a difficult task against your nature, it is actually possible to use your other hand very effectively.

Let’s just say that it is extremely exciting to try something like this. Because while trying to be left-handed or right-handed, you will find yourself in a great struggle by challenging both yourself and your brain.

Is it possible to be right-handed when left-handed or left-handed when right-handed?

According to science, the answer to this question is yes. Just like DaVinci, Einstein, Michelangelo, Harry Kahne and Tesla, there are people in history who can use both hands equally well (ambidextriy). In fact, if you are born with this feature, we can say that your potential to be a genius is extremely high.

Of course, not everyone is born with this trait. Being left-handed or right-handed can be learned later on, but according to science, some specific behaviors in our brains brought to us by our dominant hand may never change. For example, no matter how accustomed we are to the reverse hand, if we are right-handed and throw our left foot forward for support in sports, this habit may never be erased from our brain.

The majority of the world’s population is right-handed, putting lefties at a disadvantage

Before moving on to competent use of the other hand, let’s discuss why a person would want to be right-handed when left-handed or left-handed when right-handed. Being left-handed while right-handed is highly likely to be entirely preferable. However, left-handed people’s desire to be right-handed may be a necessity born entirely of necessity.

It is quite easy to understand this desire for change. Right-handed people make up the majority of the world’s population. This leads to the fact that many items from school desks to scissors, from knives to notebooks are designed only for right-handed people. If you’re left-handed and have always struggled to find left-handed desks in school, you’ll know what I mean.

Begin being left-handed or right-handed by “watching” first

When you start a new job, if you go too fast, one of the first feelings you will experience is quite likely to be disappointment. If you suddenly get up and try to write long words with your left or right hand, you may find that you failed and be disappointed.

For this reason, it will be the healthiest to start with baby steps in reverse handwriting, as in any job you will just start. For this, left-handed or right-handed, you can now watch the movements of someone using the hand you want to take. Learning different details from what you have done so far, such as how he positions the paper and the way he holds the pen, will definitely provide you with the self-confidence you need on the first try.

Make sure to practice every day

It is not for nothing that they say that practice makes everything perfect. After you know how to hold your hand to use the opposite hand, you need to practice on a piece of paper every day.

How much time you dedicate each day to the reverse handwriting exercises is entirely up to you. But no matter how long you set, you must insist on doing it every day. Let’s say you decide to set aside 15 minutes for this task. In these 15 minutes, first try to write words in the air with your dominant hand. Then repeat these movements with your opposite hand and then write the same movements on the paper.

After testing all the letters of the alphabet in this way, continue to practice vocabulary on paper. As you repeat these exercises each day, you will notice that you gradually begin to write correctly with your opposite hand.

Strengthen the hand you want to use by working with weights

Whichever hand you use, it is an inevitable fact that your other hand is weaker. If you do not do sports professionally, you know that your opposite hand will let you down in a shorter time than your dominant hand, and that you cannot carry some bags or boxes for as long as you always use them.

It is extremely important to strengthen this hand to write with the reverse hand. You can work with light weights so that your hand does not get tired early while writing. In addition, trying to do the things you do every day, such as brushing your teeth or washing the dishes, with your opposite hand will help you get stronger.

Try to use the mouse with your opposite hand on the computer

It can be a bit of a hassle to use the mouse with your left hand while working at the computer, but at least when you spend time outside of work on the computer, it is a great benefit to have the mouse on the other side. If you start using the mouse with the opposite hand, just like the brushing action we just mentioned, you will be surprised to see how professional you have become on this subject over time.

Write the words backwards

Since most alphabets in the world are written from left to right, it can be a little difficult for right-handed people to write words backwards. However, the situation is different for left-handers. Left-handed people are more comfortable writing words backwards, and if you’re especially trying to be left-handed, you can train yourself harder to write words backwards.

Don’t just write but draw with your non-dominant hand

Trying to use your non-dominant hand isn’t just about being able to write properly. If you want to use your opposite hand properly, you must also learn to draw with this hand.

What we are talking about, of course, is not to suddenly make impressive pictures with your opposite hand. However, if you start by trying to draw a stickman, over time it will be easier to make beautiful drawings with your opposite hand.

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