Is everyone the red, one -to -one red?

Is everyone the red, one -to -one red?

Is the red that a person sees is the same as the red that someone else sees? This question has been an enigma who has been taming everyone’s mind for many years from philosophers to curious children. It seemed almost impossible to know the answer. But a new study, “Yes, the same!” It offers evidence that strengthens its probability.

According to the study, the question of whether sensory experiences are equivalent among people is one of the main issues of consciousness. For a long time, some researchers have argued that the nature of subjective experiences could not be explained and unique to the individual. Therefore, “How does red look to you?” They thought it was impossible to find an objective answer to a question like. However, a new team chose to look for answers to this question with a different approach.

Red from a different perspective

Scientists argue that subjective experiences can be compared indirectly, not directly. For this reason, the participants were asked to rating how much various colors look like each other. In the study, a detailed analysis was performed beyond previous studies using 93 different colors. In addition, the similarities between the perceptual structures of individuals were evaluated only through the relationships of colors.

Researchers have detected strong harmony between color-neuty individuals (those with normal color perception) and color-atipic individuals (with different perceptions of color blindness). If a person is not a color blind, when we say “red, it turned out that we mean the same thing.

Although these results are encouraging, the research is still far from offering a definite answer. In the future, the team plans more detailed studies that individuals rating all color pairs. These studies can help us understand the individual differences of color perception.

The study allows a step further in understanding the universality of color perception. However, “Are the colors we see the same?” The question seems to be engaged in the scientific world for a while.

The details of this study were published in İsciice magazine.