Is Ethereum’s Founder Vitalik Buterin Gone?

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has been on the agenda for a while with his outfits. Because the CEO of the second largest cryptocurrency in the world sometimes goes to the events with an interesting t-shirt and sometimes with an animal costume. So why? Is Ethereum CEO crazy? The real reason will make you question your life.
 Is Ethereum’s Founder Vitalik Buterin Gone?
READING NOW Is Ethereum’s Founder Vitalik Buterin Gone?

Cryptocurrency markets and Blockchain technologies are at the forefront of the issues we have talked about the most in recent years. Not so long ago, cryptocurrencies, which were “garbage” for many a few years ago, have even become the official currency of a country like El Salvador today. In addition, the market volume has exceeded trillions of dollars. In other words, both cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies have now become a reality of our lives.

One of the units that comes to mind when it comes to crypto money world is Ethereum. Having a very solid infrastructure, Ethereum has become a very solid competitor to both traditional official contract systems and other cryptocurrencies thanks to the features it offers. Moreover, it should not be forgotten that there are hundreds of altcoins released thanks to Ethereum. However, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of this well-established and unlikely to be wiped out cryptocurrency, is currently on the agenda with an interesting topic.

Vitalik Buterin’s clothes started to attract everyone’s attention

Russian origin Vitalik Buterin, born in 1994, is a software developer. He is also the CEO of Ethereum for a long time. So now it is more correct to say “business person” for Buterin. However, Buterin has a slightly different structure from the bosses we are used to. Especially the clothes he wears make Buterin the number one agenda item on social media. You ask why? Because as you can see above; You can see Vitalik Buterin in an animal costume or in his pajamas.

Is Vitalik Buterin crazy?

Some social media users are saying that Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin has lost his sanity, which is why he dresses like this. Others say it’s a “Russian head”. So is it really like that? Has Ethereum’s number one lost its sanity? In fact, it is not possible to know this. After all, we do not know what such a business person goes through in his private life. However; There are currently no reported problems. So Vitalik Buterin is sane. He has no known disease.

If Vitalik Buterin isn’t crazy, why does he dress like that?

As we learned that Vitalik Buterin is not crazy; Why might this business person be wearing such strange clothes? Both this question and the answer to this question have very deep meanings. Namely; Cryptocurrencies were born as an alternative to the traditional financial order, and each cryptocurrency serves a different transaction. And our strict followers who follow our news know; We have repeatedly stated that the crypto money world is a huge risk for the traditional financial system and that there may be no place for traditional finance in the new world order. That’s exactly what Vitalik Buterin seems to be focusing on. The main issue is; revolutionary changes.

Do you know what can be done with Ethereum? The answer to this question is much more important than clothes

At the beginning of our content, we mentioned that Ethereum has a smart contract feature. This is exactly what we as humans need to talk about. Namely, with Ethereum, you can go to government offices and get everything from title deeds to notary contracts, from where you sit. We do not know whether such situations will become widespread one day, but Ethereum allows you to sign many contracts, technically speaking, via Blockchain. Think about what kind of change we’re talking about here. After some thought, you will realize what kind of potential we have and you will see that we are stuck in the wrong spot.

This is exactly the message Vitalik Buterin is trying to convey. We are at such a point that a new order is being established. This order; He doesn’t care about suits. In this order, no one cares about ties. Certainly; Vitalik Buterin can dress up like other CEOs and appear in front of people. However, the power is beyond all this.

Vitalik Buterin is not the only name criticized for his clothes

Interestingly, CEOs of technology companies have always been on the agenda with their clothes. For example Mark Zuckerberg. As soon as you read this name, Zuckerberg’s t-shirt and jeans came to mind. Or Steve Jobs, the legendary CEO of Apple. Continuing unparalleled work on smartphones, computers and other mobile products, Jobs wore the same turtleneck and jeans to all Apple launches. While Vitalik Buterin’s name was unknown, these names were always on the agenda because of their clothes.

What do we criticize? Why don’t we like it?

In general terms, we can say that Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and even Vitalik Buterin changed the world. While all this is happening before our eyes, the society is focused on the costumes of these names. So why? Here there is no clear answer. Names criticized by someone because of social perceptions write the rules of the changing world order. It is not known whether these criticisms will end one day, but looking in the right direction may one day enable you to have success like those CEOs…

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